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Revista LF No.5

Revista LF No.5


Gervasio Sánchez. Cover and interview. Eiji Ohashi. Roadside Lights. Carlos Escolástico. The body is an illusion. Vitor Schietti. Impermanent sculptures. Frank Machalowski. The space between the fantastic and the real. Mariano Vargas. Conscious eroticism. Mario Moreno. Of fauna and wild landscapes. Maria Plotnikova. The magic of the streets. Akira Takaue. Structural mechanics. Alvaro Arroyo. Revolted butterflies.


The consultant. The license agreement for the use of a photograph. Cassini Probe. Lens, school of photography. The rule of air. Commited photographers. Looks that begin. María Contreras Coll. Homage to Nicholas Müller. Bazaar. Exhibitions, books and much more. Photobook. 33.293. #Instagram. Me, Me, Me, Me, Me ... and Me.
Revista LF No.4

Revista LF No.4


Masao Yamamoto. Cover and interview. Julia Fullerton-Batten. Old Father Thames. Isabelle Levistre. Anamnèse. Tino Soriano. Photographing smiling. Nicholas Dominic Talvola. Back to nature Ralph Gräf. The traveling biologist Raúl Guillamón. Deconstructivisms Xavier Bou. Ornithographies Tariq Zaidi. Eagle hunters


The consultant. The sunset of the photographer. Cassini Probe. Canal de Isabel II Hall. The rule of air. Albarracín, epicenter of photojournalism. Looks that begin. Sebastián Bejarano. Homage to Paco Gómez. Bazaar. Exhibitions, books and much more. Photobook. Gondolín Hotel. #Instagram. Contains gultenl protagonist.
Revista LF No.3

Revista LF No.3


Ronaldo Schemidt. Cover and interview Enric Mestres. Humans of Barcelona. Luis Poirot. My life goes in it. Nadir Bucan. Under the shadow in the sun. Daniil Parniouk. Everyday geographies Joan Crisol. Organic Giulio Zanni. Cities Agustín Benítez. The mirror of my photography Francesc Guillamet. A photographer in search of accomplices Aleydis Rispa. Le grand blue


Technique. Cyanotype photograms. The consultant. Collective management copyright. Cassini Probe. Ivorypress Gallery The rule of air. Freedom of the press. Reflections. Censorship and self-censorship. Looks that begin. Guido Mencari. Homage to Eugeni Forcano. Icons. The most familiar and feminine Dalí. Bazaar. Exhibitions, books and much more. #Instagram. Ladies who smoke.
Revista LF No.2

Revista LF No.2


Isabel Muñoz. Cover and interview. Michael Kaena. The palpable serenity. Omar Ayyashi. The hunter of faces Ignacio Gutiérrez Bolívar. A feminine sense. Magdalena Solé. Tenuous Roots. Tim Flach. Very human emotions. Miquel Arnal. Animal José María Mellado. The intimacy of the unusual. Ana Tornel. Eternally Chrysalides.


Technique. Humerus collodion. The consultant. Image rights and copyrights. Cassini Probe. Mapfre Foundation Reflections. Censorship and self-censorship. Homage to Francesc Boix. Looks that begin. Julia Baumfeld. The rule of air. RUIDO Photo. Photobook. Isabel Codina. A room in Iceland. Bazaar. Exhibitions, books and much more. #Instagram. Accidental portrait.
Barceloneta Market

Barceloneta Market

Mias Architects The processes of de-construction and re-construction of the Barceloneta market, an architectural project by Josep Mias. This market in the neighbourhood of la Barceloneta was one of the first covered markets built in Barcelona, It was 1884, and was constructed with a metal structure. It was partially destroyed by bombs during the Civil War. This recent remodelling is seen as a continuity of the old structure from 1884, and as a continuity of all the changes in this highly dense neighbourhood. The market seeks to form part of its urban fabric and Miàs project is a clear example of integration. This book, richly illustrated, gives a comprehensive insight to the remodellation project. EBOOK VERSION  
Revista LF No.1

Revista LF No.1


Leopoldo Pomés. Cover and interview. Carles Calero. The dream’s Light. Alfonso de Castro. Matters of life and death. Carles Sans. A photographer Tricicle. Jordi Egea. Personal Universe. Hanna Jarzabek. Autumn flowers. Bernat Millet. The Saharawi exile.. Marta Calvo. Literary faces.


Technique. Heliogravure on copper plate. Cassini Probe. Valid Foto Bcn Gallery. The rule of the air. Condé School. Photobook. Juanan Requena. At the edge of the whole map. #Instagram. The cities of light. Bazaar. Photographic encounters and much more. The advisor. Protecting copyrights.
New York_Global

New York_Global

Critical Writings and Proposals. 1970-2020. Housing, Infrastructure, Pedagogy Richard Plunz On the eve of Plunz’s status as Emeritus at Columbia University, New York_Global bridges five decades of his pedagogical commitment to question the cannons of the design and urbanism fields and their relationship to the contemporary built environment. Global urbanization serves as a backdrop for a heightened consideration of the intermingling of housing, infrastructure, and pedagogy, as he negotiates the evolution of mainstream theory and praxis in architecture and planning. Through interviews, syllabi excerpts, essays, discussions, and projects, New York City is projected as a lens for understanding the potential for metropolises everywhere to serve as firewalls against dystopic social inequities and ecological adversity. In questioning the discourse surrounding urban research and action, Plunz engages with the primordial question of “urban” itself. This book is not a cautionary tale, but rather an assemblage of timestamped evidence toward understanding our current condition. Closely studying the very tools that have fostered today’s environmental and societal consequences, each segment contributes to understanding engagement with a post-accelerated future.  With Contributions of Much of this material originates at the author’s long association with Columbia University and engages New York City as the primary test bed for ideas and projects.
The Loop Project

The Loop Project

Mias Architects This book collects the work of the MIAS studio over twenty years. Their projects cannot be explained only as finished works but need an understanding of the design process: everything that happens before the cranes arrive.  Based on four concepts, it explains the conceptual and constructive evolution of the studio's most emblematic projects through drawings, collages, engravings, sketches and models. Oneiric Spaces, Assemblage, Archive and Finishing are the concepts that articulate the work of MIAS and its trajectory since its foundation in 2000. With Contributions of Peter Cook, Archigram Founder Bob Sheil, Bartlett Director Josep Miàs, MIAS founder & director  
City Science

City Science

Performance Follows Form Ramon Gras, Jeremy Burke The Aretian team, a spin off company from the Harvard Innovation Lab, has developed a city science methodology to evaluate the relationship between city form and urban performance. This book illuminates the relationship between a city’s spatial design and quality of life it affords for the general population. By measuring innovation economies to design Innovation Districts, social networks and patterns to help form organization patterns, and city topology, morphology, entropy and scale to create 15 Minute Cities are some of the frameworks presented in this volume. Therefore, urban designers, architects and engineers will be able to successfully tackle complex urban design challenges by using the authors’ frameworks and findings in their own work. Case studies help to present key insights from advanced, data-driven geospatial analyses of cities around the world in an illustrative manner. This inaugural book by Aretian Urban Analytics and Design will give readers a new set of tools to learn from, expand, and develop for the healthy growth of cities and regions around the world.  With Contributions of Fernando Yu (Co-author of the Atlas of Global Cities) Gauthier de La Ville de Baugé Céleste Richard  Foreword by Fawwaz Habbal Former Executive Dean for Education and Research at Harvard SEAS  EBOOK VERSION


An Image-based Multi-platform Journal at the Intersection of Art, Design, and Sciences Samuel Bianchini (ed.) .able journal reinvents the publication form by making research accessible through images. Free of charge and distributed on numerous platforms, media, and devices, .able journal, through its five visual essay formats (,,, and, provides multiple entry points to research in arts, design, and sciences. From the design of sustainable fashion or bioluminescent micro-architecture, to the dynamics of bacterial contamination or the exploration of deep sleep, .able combines academic rigor and accessibility focused on exploring contemporary sociopolitical and environmental issues in images and putting these challenges into perspective. With Contributions of Among others : (.able journal is an ongoing journal, list of contributors is always evolving) Anne Bationo-Tillon, Anaïs Blo, Ninon Bonzom, Walid BREIDI, Dimitri Charrel, Jean-Marc Chomaz, Emile Costard,  Francesca Cozzolino, Jean-Robert Dantou, Dominique Deuff, Émile De Visscher, Christian Duriez, Olga Flór, Jean-Jacques Gay, Arno Gisinger, Denise Gonzales Crisp,  Tzu Nyen Ho, Dan Kneeshaw, François-Joseph Lapointe, Peter Lunenfeld,  Ophélie Maurus, Isabelle Milleville-Pennel, Marie-Eve Morissette, Aurélie Mosse, Nicolas Nova, Virgile Novarina, Ioana Ocnarescu, Étienne Ollion, Christoforos Pappas, Jonathan Pêpe, Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen,  Francesco Sebregondi,  Martin Tamke, Gisèle Trudel,  Guro Tyse,   Gentiane Venture, Jeanne Vicerial, Florence Weber,   Clélia Zernik
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