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Carlos Ferrater

Carlos Ferrater

Projects 1979-2004 Carlos Ferrater, Borja Ferrater, OAB Before setting up in 2006, along with Xavier Martí, Lucía Ferrater and Borja Ferrater, the Office of Architecture in Barcelona (OAB), Carlos Ferrater developed an intense and prolonged professional career on his own since 1971, with his advanced project for the Instant City. Now we present this first and therefore complete monograph on the unique career of this Catalan architect, Carlos Ferrater, awarded the 2009 National Architecture Award by the Spanish Ministry of Housing for his overall career and since 2011 member of the Royal Institute of British Architects (International RIBA Felowship). The book reflects Carlos Ferrater professional practice, having proved his worth in many projects of enormous relevance and distinction. EBOOK VERSION
Climax Change!

Climax Change!

How architecture must transform in the age of ecological emergency Pedro Gadanho Climax Change! offers an overview of how the current environmental emergency will impact the practice of architecture. At a crossroads in which the construction sector and built environment produce nearly 40% of greenhouse gases accountable for global warming, architects are just starting to acknowledge their complicity in an impending disaster. In need of a paradigm shift similar to that of the Modern Movement, architecture desperately requires clear guidelines and targets so as to operate its inevitable transformation towards an ecologically-friendly design logic. From historical analyses of ecocide or the environmental avant-gardes, to topics such as decarbonization, degrowth, the Great Transition and the aspirations of Green New Deals, this book features ten essays around today's climate change debates, bringing them home to architectural thinking.  EBOOK VERSION
Out Of The Ordinary

Out of the Ordinary

The Work of John Ronan Architects John Ronan In previous decades, architectural production was constrained by the limits of technology; architects pushed on the boundaries imposed by technology and it gave them common purpose.  Those limits are gone.  Over the preceding two decades it has been demonstrated that with enough technology (and money) anything is possible.  What does an architect do when anything is possible? This is the question which confronts architects today, who now operate within a professional landscape where all is possible, but little has meaning.  The “anything goes” mentality which currently prevails has resulted in innumerable self-referential “object” buildings which engage only with their architect’s ego, often resulting in an urban fabric of autonomous formal objects comprised of arbitrarily-applied design tropes which celebrate formal invention for its own sake.  But what do architects leave society once the novelty of form has worn off? In this architectural age of arbitrary shape-making, devoid of context or meaning, Out of the Ordinary proposes an architecture of innovation rising from ordinary concerns, about relationships not form, which exposes new spatial relationships with diagrammatic clarity in a process of distillation what seeks to lay bare meaningful relationships between essential building elements.  With Contributions of John Ronan (author) Sean Keller Carlos Jiminez  EBOOK VERSION
Monsoon As Method

Monsoon as Method

Assembling Monsoonal Multiplicities Lindsay Bremner, Beth Cullen, Christina Geros, Harshavardhan Bhat, Anthony Powis, John Cook, Tom Benson The book presents the methods that Monsoon Assemblages has evolved for engaging the monsoon, a globally connected weather system, as a co-producer of urban life and space in South and Southeast Asian cities. It challenges views of climate as an inert backdrop to urban life, instead suggesting that it is materially and spatially active in shaping urban politics, ecologies, infrastructures, buildings and bodies. The book invites urban practitioners, from architects to policy makers, to think differently about space, time, representation and human and non-human agency. It offers intra-disciplinary, intra-active methods for rethinking human and non-human relations with weather in ways that meet the challenges of climate change and the Anthropocene.  Foreword by Karen Coelho. EBOOK EDITION


News from a post-iconic world Josep Lluís Mateo, ETH In the past, buildings and other constructions representing singular moments for the community were called monuments. Their origin was expression of power, celebration of ritual or collective affirmation. In the contemporary world, a project that aspires to be exceptionally expressive is commonly called an Icon. This book claims that star-architects and their “iconic” architecture are no longer valid today, as these projects are all driven by marketing machineries. Architecture should re-emerge as a credible artefact and fulfill the transcendent demands of our time. The publication begins with a series of general texts on themes that vary but all share a common critical look at the role of the iconic on the recent architecture scene. With contributions of Yannis Aesopos, Pier Vittorio Aureli, Isabel Concheiro, Sabine Von Fischer, Naoto Fukasawa, Hans Ibelings, Krunoslav Ivanisin, Alicia Guerrero Yeste, Fredy Massad, Daniel Kiss, Josep Lluís Mateo, Jasper Morrison, Agustí Obiol, Florian Sauter, Peter Sloterdijk, Elías Torres Tur, Yoshiharu Tsukamoto. EBOOK VERSION  
Shanghai Transforming

Shanghai Transforming

The Changing Physical, Economic, Social and Environmental Conditions of a Global Metropolis Iker Gil This comprehensive study of Shanghai’s profound urban transformation presents the bold new opportunity for architecture and urbanism that Shanghai represents. Immersed in a deep physical transformation with the upcoming 2010 World Expo, Shanghai is reconsidering relationships within the city and surrounding neighborhoods. Shanghai transforming examines this complex transformation through history, natural and artificial resources, economy, society, and public perception. With illustrations, texts, maps, and photos, this is a rich resource for understanding Shanghai’s past and future, through a transformation which is highly unique for speed, scale, and politics. Texts by Denise Scott Brown, Saskia Sassen, Robert Venturi, Greg Girard, Silas Chiow, Philip Enquist, Sharon Haar, Xiangning Li, Xiaochun Zhang, Weigang Qiu, Haolun Shu, Sol Madridejos, Juan Carlos Sancho, Jonathan Miller, Peter G. Rowe EBOOK VERSION  
Ideología Construída

Ideología Construída

Cinco mil años de arquitecturas del poder Fernando Grasa Throughout 5,000 years the visual plot has been shown as the systematic alphabet that Mediterranean cultures have used to write multiple architectural accounts of a sacred and ceremonial nature. We will begin this memory - a true travel notebook - by presenting what the Christian temples of discipline have taught us. Then we travel to Egypt, Rome and finally to Malta and Gozo. The systematicity and similarities in the crystallization of the ideological discourse were incredible and we invite the reader to verify those teachings. To facilitate this, the text includes more than 360 sketches and 300 images of more than 200 buildings belonging to 17 countries. EBOOK VERSION
Inventing Greenland

Inventing Greenland

Designing an Arctic Nation Bert De Jonghe Through the lens of urbanization, Inventing Greenland provides a broad understanding of a unique island undergoing intense transformation while drawing attention to its historical and current challenges and emerging opportunities. Geared towards architects, landscape architects, and urban planners, this book examines the local cultural, social, and environmental realities with a distinct spatial sensitivity, recognizing the diverse array of relationships that the built environment both supports and produces. By exploring Greenland as a complex and interconnected cultural and geographical space, Inventing Greenland reveals and anticipates transitional moments in the region’s highly intertwined urbanized, militarized, and touristic landscapes. With Contributions of  Bert De Jonghe (author) Charles Waldheim (foreword) Mia M. Bennett (co-author chapter 1) + (copy editor) EBOOK VERSION
OAB 2022

OAB 2022

Office of Architecture in Barcelona Carlos Ferrater, Borja Ferrater, OAB OAB draws on the collaborative nature of the Carlos Ferrater previous studio, incorporating new ways of understanding the contributions of each team member to generate richer and more varied, prepared and flexible projects. The creation of this new platform attempts to address the challenges that contemporary architecture has raised in intellectual, social, technological, and environmental spheres. The contents are organized as a collection of chapters that turn the spotlight on both projects and recently built works. These convey a willingness to work in different scenarios, expanding and enriching the range of proposals in the pursuit of new avenues of formal expression. The book covers the theoretical aspects of each project, focusing on innovation, research, and the application of new technologies. At the same time, as we explore each project’s development, emphasis is placed upon context, the building’s objectives, and the social roots of the architect’s work.
Logics Of Evolution For The Contemporary Contexts

Logics of Evolution for the Contemporary Contexts

Master in Integrated Architectural Design 2020/21 Ricardo Devesa & Marta Bugés (eds.) This collection of instalments compiles the works of the students of the Master in Integrated Architectural Design during the academic year 2020/21. The program objectives are to promote innovative architectural design integrated with the wide range of skills on technical and cultural knowledge that contemporary architecture demands. The course is organized in 5 logics: environmental, social, digital, tectonic and cultural through which the students explore how architectural design can adapt to the context in which they operate. Their systems of methods and principles are expanded to face challenges such as climate change, technological disruptions, economic and geopolitical collapses, and demographic movements, among other major global changes. With Contributions of Kiel Moe, Interboro, Ciro Najle, bosch.capdeferro, Marina Otero, T.J. Demos, Ferran Vizoso, Javier García-Germán, Alex Ivancic, Pau Bajet, María Langarita, Carles Baiges, Cristina Gamboa, Anna Font, Edouard Cabay, David Tàpies, Francisco Cifuentes, Arturo Franco, Ivan Blasi, Ricardo Devesa, Irma Arribas, Roger Paez, Pedro García, Sultan Ahmed, Asmita Banyal, Marta Bugés, Luis de Felipe, Dima Fadel, Arina Semenova, Domenica García and Halwest Mustafa EBOOK VERSION  
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