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Authors/marta buges

Marta holds a degree in Architecture from ETSAB (UPC). As an architect, she realized early on that her passion lies in the cultural impact of building our environment collectively, and she is determined to engage in the dissemination of the debate on contemporary architecture and urbanism in the interest of continuously rethinking the practice.
During her studies, she explored collaborative design by participating in self-building projects, such as an NGO youth center in Vienna or a school extension in Barcelona. She also participated in international workshops with research groups from universities such as Tsinghua University in Beijing, or Keio University in Tokyo. Thanks to institutional grants, she has been able to attend international congresses on architecture that have contributed to her education. She has developed her design skills working in architecture studios in Barcelona and Tokyo, where she has learned about the profession’s dynamics.
In 2018, she joined the editorial team at Actar publishers and the digital platform, working as an editor and content curator. She’s been part of the urban think tank 300,000 km/s as a digital editor and works with different companies in the fields of architecture and urbanism contributing to their communication strategies.
In 2023, she started working at the IOTICAT research center in LaSalle Campus in Barcelona as a researcher in the group ALEC, where she investigates about architectural logics in emergent contexts.

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