Authors/ciro najle

Architect, Universidad de Buenos Aires 1991 (hons)
Ms AAD Columbia University 1997 (hons)
Dean at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella School of Architecture and Urban Studies and Design Critic at the Harvard GSD, Ciro Najle was Director of the Landscape Urbanism Graduate Design and Diploma Master at the Architectural Association, and taught at Cornell, Columbia, the Berlage Institute, the UTFSM Valparaiso, and the Universidad de Buenos Aires

Suprarural (SP ED.)
Atlas Arquitectónico de Protocolos Rurales del Medio Oeste Estadounidense y la Pampa Argentina
Ciro Najle, Lluís Ortega
The Atlas of rural protocols in the American Midwest and the Argentine Pampas is structured along eight systems of organization: transport and infrastructure, land subdivision, agricultural production, water management, storage and maintenance, human habitation, animal management, land management. Each of these systems possesses a number of organizational types, material components, normative relationships, and spectra of performance, which become available through a manual of instructions for a Suprarural architectural environment. The research is based on a realistic-overriding ethics towards design that operates by abstracting and intensifying unexplored territorial phenomena.
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Suprarural (ENG ED.)
Architectural Atlas of Rural Protocols of the American Midwest and the Argentine Pampas
Ciro Najle, Lluís Ortega
The Atlas of rural protocols in the American Midwest and the Argentine Pampas is structured along eight systems of organization: transport and infrastructure, land subdivision, agricultural production, water management, storage and maintenance, human habitation, animal management, land management. Each of these systems possesses a number of organizational types, material components, normative relationships, and spectra of performance, which become available through a manual of instructions for a Suprarural architectural environment. The research is based on a realistic-overriding ethics towards design that operates by abstracting and intensifying unexplored territorial phenomena.
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The Generic Sublime
Organizational Models for Global Architecture
Ciro Najle
Skyscraper collectives, tower agglomerations, high-rise housing, mixed-use developments, luxury condominiums, airport hubs, suburban office enclaves, industrial and technology parks, hotel complexes and resorts, conference and financial centers, entertainment venues, gated communities, theme parks, branded cities, new central districts, and satellite cities: extra-large architectural typologies dominate the contemporary built environment worldwide. Despite the ubiquity of these building forms, their development has been largely restricted by a reliance on outmoded traditions of urbanism and the strict separation of disciplinary domains within current architectural practice. The Generic Sublime investigates how the modern concept of the generic––once assumed to achieve universality by means of organizational homogeneity, formal neutrality, programmatic blankness, lack of identity, and insipidness of character––holds the potential to become its very opposite: the singular, the irreducible, and the extraordinary.
Directing the work of students of the departments of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Planning and Design at the
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