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Diccionario Metapolis Arquitectura Avanzada (SP ED.)

Diccionario Metapolis Arquitectura Avanzada (SP ED.)

Manuel GausaVicente Guallart, Willy MullerFederico Soriano, Fernando Porras, José Morales In the format of a selective dictionary of cross-referenced terms, Metapolis identifies a new architectural will within the contemporary social and cultural panorama. It contributes to a global vision of the emerging new architectural action that participates in “advanced culture” and visual art disciplines and technology. The book speaks of an architecture inscribed in the information society and influenced by the new technologies, the new economy, environmental concerns and individual interests. The diversity of authors and works is invaluable for the generational intersections in theory discourse. Featuring Manuel Gausa, Vicente Guallart, Willy Müller, Federico Soriano, José Morales, Fernando Porras, Iñaki Ábalos y Juan Herreros, José Alfonso Ballesteros, Xavier Costa, Enric Ruiz-Geli, Alejandro Zaera Polo. Buy English Edition
Cerdà. 150 Años De Modernidad (SP ED.)

Cerdà. 150 Años de Modernidad (SP ED.)

Francesc Magrinyà & Fernando Marzá This book is a tribute to the first modern urban planner and his product: the Eixample, which is today the thriving and undisputed centre of the Barcelona metropolitan area. The city of Barcelona as constructed over the last 150 years on the strength of Ildefons Cerdà’s 1859 ‘Project for the Reform and Expansion’ bears living witness to the modernity of a way of thinking and making the city. An appreciation of the values of the Eixample that has taken shape in this century and a half affords illuminating insights into what it means to plan, design and build a city. The chapter structure is devoted to an orderly analysis in the first instance of the elements that articulate the construction of the Eixample — the residential fabric, the grid, the street, the chamfered corner and the sewers — and then of the city blocks and the various configurations associated with housing, industry, amenities and open spaces. The book intentionally focuses on the Eixample as a whole — what we know as the Cerdà Eixample — instead of confining itself to the more central Eixample traditionally associated with Modernista architecture. Buy English edition
Suprarural (SP ED.)

Suprarural (SP ED.)

Atlas Arquitectónico de Protocolos Rurales del Medio Oeste Estadounidense y la Pampa Argentina Ciro Najle, Lluís Ortega The Atlas of rural protocols in the American Midwest and the Argentine Pampas is structured along eight systems of organization: transport and infrastructure, land subdivision, agricultural production, water management, storage and maintenance, human habitation, animal management, land management. Each of these systems possesses a number of organizational types, material components, normative relationships, and spectra of performance, which become available through a manual of instructions for a Suprarural architectural environment. The research is based on a realistic-overriding ethics towards design that operates by abstracting and intensifying unexplored territorial phenomena. Buy English edition EBOOK EDITION
Ábalos + Sentkiewicz ( SP ED. )

Ábalos + Sentkiewicz ( SP ED. )

Ensayos sobre Termodinámica, Arquitectura y Belleza Iñaki Ábalos, Renata Sentkiewicz A compendium of essays and projects, that creates a projective document able to set up new scenarios for the architecture of the next decade. This is a book that unfolds arguments and designs around the concept of "thermodynamic beauty". This new aesthetic category opens up new and unexpected directions to the architect's work, connecting architecture and thermodynamics without giving up the tectonic tradition. The compendium is developed through the concepts of Somatisms, Verticalism, Thermodynamic Materialism, Monsters Assemblage, and, summarizing design strategies and opening new territories at the scales of building, public space and landscape. Buy English edition
Landschaft Stimmung (DE ED.)

Landschaft Stimmung (DE ED.)

Ein Stadtpark an der Donau Silvia Benedito & Alexander Häusler / OFICINAA Landscape Tunings maintains that landscape is more than ecology and technical performance; it is also an environment of paramount importance to one’s dispositions and wellbeing—an emotional space of social relevance, tuned with and for its communities. In this book, OFICINAA examines the design potentials of the Danube River as a civic anchor, a bioclimatic medium, and a space for collective imagination in the city of Ingolstadt, Germany. Landscape Tunings: An Urban Park at the Danube explores the city’s littoral landscapes with video-essays, drawings, walks, public installations, and exhibitions—each spotlighting the sensate-space where the city meets the Danube’s edge. It then showcases the bottom-up and tactical design approaches of the Stadt Park Donau | Donau-Loop project, which aims to foster the spatial embodiment with the riverine environments facing the present challenges of the anthropogenic era. With contributions by Günther Vogt, Andres Lepik, and Simone Schimpf, Landscape Tunings projects the role of littoral landscapes as a medium for the collective wellbeing of the city. Flowing through ten countries, the Danube is one of the most international rivers in the world. Regardless of its scale, economic output, and ecological relevance, the Danube’s landscapes act as cornerstones for civic interaction while “touching” numerous urban fabrics. Initiated in 2013, the Stadt Park Donau | Donau-Loop project in Ingolstadt derives from a three-year design study in collaboration with the various communities in the city. Rather than totalizing, and related to the key German concept of “Stimmung” (tuning of space), the design interventions are spatial tunings to foster community access, wonder and delight. These interventions intensify the particularities of the river landscapes with its distinct environments, and leverage the potentials of the riverbanks as a “thick” space in the pressing commitments to social wellbeing. The Stadt Park Donau | Donau-Loop project was exhibited at the Museum of Concrete Art and Design in Ingolstadt. The exhibition shared the multiple scopes and scales of the design, inviting the public to envision the Danube’s inherent beauty as a spatial component in the urban fabric of one the fastest growing cities in Germany. Buy English edition
¡Créate! (SP ED.)

¡Créate! (SP ED.)

Eduardo Arroyo This book shapes a thick network of experiences and crossed interests opened throughout last twenty-five years in the office NO.MAD and its founder Eduardo Arroyo. In its pages there are mixed reflections, anecdotes and creations that shape an exciting cocktail between living, thinking and creating. In some time of our physiological life something inside each one gets lost and the mind fills with doubts. In spite of the inertia of the long crossed distance, to stop and to look behind with exploratory smell can help us to enter with courage in the unknown days. Topics like the origin and the memory, the soul and the precision, the random and the instability, the empathy, the instants and the choice, the hybridization and the blurry systems, the cloning, the invisible orders and the essential complexity turn out to be here interlaced. The trip across these invisible paths demonstrates a critical vision of the world and the voluntary obligation to try to transform it from the creative independence, the determination and the valor that they are the transparent message of this book. Buy English edition
Facts ( SP ED. )

Facts ( SP ED. )

by mateo arquitectura Josep Lluís Mateo Vision of recent buildings and projects from one of the most outstanding European architectural practice, also presented from a multilayered critic panel. Presenting architectural works at the time when they have been done is a critical question to understand, by specific practices, trends into our contemporarity. This book presents a full description of the projects by reelaborated materials (plans, texts, photos) producing a network able to transmit the qualities of the real architecture. Different contributions theoretical. Coming from preeminent academicians, expand the arguments passing from the single cases to a category. Buy English edition
Presó I Projecte (CAT ED.)

Presó i Projecte (CAT ED.)

Centre Penitenciari Mas d'Enric: AiB arquitectes + Estudi PSP Arquitectura Roger Paez The newly built Mas d’Enric penitentiary sparks a series of reflections on architecture’s role in the problematic subject of prison design. The prison is an uncomfortable institution and its architecture is often subjugated to technocratic criteria. This servility forces the prison out of the socio-cultural realm where it belongs, thus erasing it from public discourse. “Mas d’Enric” is a new penitentiary that overturns preconceptions and posits architecture as a medium to critically rethink contemporary prison buildings. The discussion is enriched by contributions from a number of influential architects and architectural theorists, and is complemented by original work in film, photography, literature, sculpture and visual arts. Buy English edition
Construïnt Europa (CAT ED.)

Construïnt Europa (CAT ED.)

25 Anys d'Arquitectura Diane Gray European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe Award 25th Anniversary, a reflection about the past, present and future of European Architecture. As a part of the activities that will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award, this catalogue explains the value of the Prize as a platform for discovery and debate about two main topics: the historical value of the Prize as a demonstration of the significance of European architecture, and the Award’s role as a mechanism for bringing up topics of concern in today’s European architecture, and as a process that contributes to building an architectural and urban discourse, both in Europe and throughout the world. The works of the last 25 years are essential tools for defining the future in the upcoming years. Buy English edition
Barcelona Guia D’Arquitectura Moderna (CAT ED.)

Barcelona Guia d’Arquitectura Moderna (CAT ED.)

Manuel Gausa, Marta Cervelló, Maurici Pla, Ricardo Devesa This guide brings together the most important and interesting examples of modern and contemporary architecture in Barcelona. It covers the emergence of Modernisme and Noucentisme, creative periods for which Barcelona is known the world over: the emblematic German Pavilion by Mies van der Rohe (1929), rationalist works conceived from the 40s and 50s, large housing projects of the 70s, the Olympic architecture of the late 80s, post-Olympic architecture, examples of the ongoing urban redefinition from the 90s, and the iconic architecture of the 21st century. Each entry has a brief description that includes planning and completion dates, a summary explanatory description, and subsequent restoration and alterations with a graphic coding system. This updated edition features the most recent architectural production (up until 2012), including landmarks such as Jean Nouvel's Agbar tower, the 2004 Forum building by Herzog & de Meuron, the Media-ICT building by Enric Ruiz Geli, the Santa Caterina Market by EMBT and the Diagonal ZeroZero Telefonica Tower by EMBA. Buy English edition Buy Spanish edition
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