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UFO’s Experiments between Political Activism and the Artistic Avant-garde Beatrice Lampariello, Andrea Anselmo, Boris Hamzeian (eds.) The contemporary context is defined by a unique conjuncture. On one hand, we witness the revival of the Radical Architecture that from the avant-garde experiments of the origins recovers creative processes and iconographic fragments while nullifying the original ideological and political values. On the other hand, we see social protests in defense of fundamental rights of democracy, as in 1968. With these premises, Architecture is now reinvestigating those ephemeral experiments that have endured half a century as new “stone monuments” capable of indicating new perspectives for both research and design. Placing UFO group, one of the authors of those still poorly known “monuments”, at the core of the contemporary debate means investigating their formal and seductive aspects, but also the ideological, political and social values with which objects, installations and happenings have been innervated, transforming them into devices of an architecture nourished by literature, art and political commitment for the foundation of an eloquent and activist project even more radical than the well-known Superstudio and Archizoom. The collaboration between Beatrice Lampariello, an architecture historian specialized in the 1960s and 1970s, and False Mirror Office, a group of historians and designers engaged in the rediscovery of UFO group, lead to a monograph focused on the UFO’s work and an evaluation of their legacy relative to contemporary architecture. The monograph is composed of four sections: 1) History, a first-ever study of UFO by False Mirror Office via analysis of all archival and bibliographic sources, as well as a series of interviews with UFO members and a collection of its writings (published and unpublished), for the first time translated into English; 2) Context, composed of essays by historians and architectural theorists (Beatrice Lampariello, Simon Sadler, Alessandra Acocella, Giovanni Galli, Jacopo Galimberti) intended to place UFO’s work in the context of the avant-garde that influenced its work, from the experience of Florentine Radical Architecture to Umberto Eco’s theories on semiotics and the American experiences between Pop Art, Video Art and Happening; 3) Legacy, articulated through graphic contribution and essays by young designers, as False Mirror Office, Parasite 2.0, Point Supreme, Jimenez Lai, Andrew Kovacs, Adam Nathaniel Furman, Traumnovelle, (ab)Normal and Peter Behrbohm, to investigate UFO’s legacy relative to the contemporary revival of the most distinguishing creative processes and obsessions that shaped the so-called Radical Architecture; 4) Anthology the first complete collection of UFO writings for the first time available in English. Granted by the Italian Council (9th Edition, 2020), to promote Italian contemporary art in the world by the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Culture. Buy English edition EBOOK VERSION
Urbanismo Regenerativo (SP ED.)

Urbanismo regenerativo (SP ED.)

Santander, Hábitat futuro Landlab, Paisaje Transversal

We are living in a critical moment, a reality marked by environmental and socio-economic limits that requires innovative and realistic forms of action and planning. This is what regenerative urbanism proposes, a new approach based on utopian pragmatism that seeks to restore balance to the urban territory by designing systems that allow it to adapt and transform. It is a methodology that defines models that do not consume available resources, but rather generate new ones that ensure compatibility between economic and social prosperity and nature. Santander, Hábitat Futuro (Santander, Future Habitat) is the city model created from this methodology, a proposal for the transformation of this city for the year 2055. It is an open model based on innovation and citizen participation that prepares and adapts the territory for the different scenarios to come. Santander, Habitat Futuro is a guide that directs the commitment of the different social, economic and political agents towards a common goal: to achieve a circular, sustainable, resilient, vertebrate, prosperous, vital and inclusive city. A model that, due to its innovative nature, can serve as an example to other intermediate cities around the world. With Contributions of Emilio Luque, Zaida Muxí Martínez, Carlos Moreno, Pere Macias, Sonia P. Landázuri, Jorge Pérez-Jaramillo, José Mª García-Pablos y Antonio Bezanilla. EBOOK VERSION
TdB Architects (SP ED.)

TdB Architects (SP ED.)

Juan Trias de Bes From the understanding that architecture is at the service of society, its tasks include values such as the transmission of the identity of corporations and companies, the contribution to territorial and urban implantation, the quality of the environment, the control of resources energy, the contribution to the health of users and the maintenance of buildings over time. In short, TdB deploys its ideas in the construction of space as a result of the convergence between architecture and humanism. Buy English Edition
TdB Architects (ENG ED.)

TdB Architects (ENG ED.)

Juan Trias de Bes From the understanding that architecture is at the service of society, its tasks include values such as the transmission of the identity of corporations and companies, the contribution to territorial and urban implantation, the quality of the environment, the control of resources energy, the contribution to the health of users and the maintenance of buildings over time. In short, TdB deploys its ideas in the construction of space as a result of the convergence between architecture and humanism. Buy Spanish Edition
Tracé Bleu (ENG ED.)

Tracé Bleu (ENG ED.)

Architecturestudio Tracé bleu is a forward-looking approach that questions the ecological and social challenges facing our inhabited environments. Architecturestudio draws on its international experiences as an architect and urban designer to cross its approach with those of various multidisciplinary thinkers and experts. Starting from the given at a geoscale, how to anticipate the common good ? How to create incentive projects for more virtuous and ecological behaviours ? How an urban or architectural project becomes part of daily life ? These are the questions that Architecturestudio addresses, using cross-experiences to examine the future of our practice. With Contributions of CENTQUATRE-Paris, Marc-Antoine Durand, experts, sociologists, anthropologists, geographers FRENCH EDITION
Tracé Bleu (FR ED.)

Tracé Bleu (FR ED.)

Architecturestudio Tracé bleu is a forward-looking approach that questions the ecological and social challenges facing our inhabited environments. Architecturestudio draws on its international experiences as an architect and urban designer to cross its approach with those of various multidisciplinary thinkers and experts. Starting from the given at a geoscale, how to anticipate the common good ? How to create incentive projects for more virtuous and ecological behaviours ? How an urban or architectural project becomes part of daily life ? These are the questions that Architecturestudio addresses, using cross-experiences to examine the future of our practice. With Contributions of CENTQUATRE-Paris, Marc-Antoine Durand, experts, sociologists, anthropologists, geographers Buy English Edition
Urban Mix (ENG ED.)

Urban Mix (ENG ED.)

Explorations of Eight Crossings Around the World: Movements & Interactions Stéphane Lemoine / AP5 Mobility questions our ways of inhabiting the city. They are attached to multiple social approaches, constrained by the geography of the city and linked to the available energies. However, their deployments and their effects in the urban space remain little studied as an everyday experience. The frequentation of the city is mainly observed as a saturation or an animation and in an abstract and numerical way. But what is the nature of the movements in the cities, the daily life of more than half of the inhabitants of the planet? Resulting from a crossroads, the city has grown so much that we no longer look at how people meet in the central squares. What are the speeds, rhythms, interactions, trajectories, specificities in an urban square? Many data relate to flows, but most often with a finality on the speed of movement. GPS navigators are first made to connect a point A to B with a minimum time, and not for the study of the dynamics and the diversity of movements. Each moving element draws paths with its own rhythms which are factors of animation and encounter. We propose this exploration on a human scale on 8 cases around the world. With Contributions of AP5 / Stéphane Lemoine + Sophie Harache, Anisha Suri, Jeanne Vincent, Adèle Guérin. + texts de Fabrice Guillot, Stéphane Juguet, Eric Alonzo. Buy French Edition EBOOK VERSION
Mix Urbains (FR ED.)

Mix Urbains (FR ED.)

Explorations de 8 carrefours dans le monde: Mouvements et Interactions Stéphane Lemoine / AP5 Mobility questions our ways of inhabiting the city. They are attached to multiple social approaches, constrained by the geography of the city and linked to the available energies. However, their deployments and their effects in the urban space remain little studied as an everyday experience. The frequentation of the city is mainly observed as a saturation or an animation and in an abstract and numerical way. But what is the nature of the movements in the cities, the daily life of more than half of the inhabitants of the planet? Resulting from a crossroads, the city has grown so much that we no longer look at how people meet in the central squares. What are the speeds, rhythms, interactions, trajectories, specificities in an urban square? Many data relate to flows, but most often with a finality on the speed of movement. GPS navigators are first made to connect a point A to B with a minimum time, and not for the study of the dynamics and the diversity of movements. Each moving element draws paths with its own rhythms which are factors of animation and encounter. We propose this exploration on a human scale on 8 cases around the world. With Contributions of AP5 / Stéphane Lemoine + Sophie Harache, Anisha Suri, Jeanne Vincent, Adèle Guérin. + texts de Fabrice Guillot, Stéphane Juguet, Eric Alonzo. Buy English Edition
Climate Inheritance

Climate Inheritance

Rania Ghosn & El Hadi Jazairy / DESIGN EARTH

Climate Inheritance is a speculative design research publication that reckons with the complexity of world and heritage in the Anthropocene. The impacts of climate change on heritage sites—from Venice flooding to extinction in the Galápagos Islands—have garnered empathetic media attention in a landscape that has otherwise failed to communicate the urgency of the climate crisis. In a strategic subversion of the media aura of heritage, DESIGN EARTH casts ten World Heritage sites as narrative figures to visualize pervasive climate risks—rising sea levels, extinction, droughts, air pollution, melting glaciers, material vulnerability, unchecked tourism, and the massive displacement of communities and cultural artifacts—all while situating the present emergency within the wreckages of other ends of world, replete with the salvages of extractivism, racism, and settler colonialism. The possibilities of such climate inheritances are narrated in drawing triptychs and mythologies that bequeath other worlds and values. With Contributions of  Lucia Allais, David Gissen, Rodney Harrison and Colin Sterling
The ReView

The ReView

How and What for Iñaki Alday / Tulane School of Architecture The ReView: How and what for, presents the pedagogical project of the Tulane School of Architecture through the work, mostly visual, of both students and faculty over the past few years. The book is organized into two main blocks, "how" and "what for". On the one hand, "how" exposes the sequence of studies and theoretical courses with exceptional pedagogical methodologies. On the other hand, "what for" shows the connection of the Tulane School of Architecture's academic work with the social, economic, and environmental reality we face today. The conceptual link that connects the "How?" and the "What for?" is the idea of innovation. In a time of global crisis, the Architecture - and educational systems - needs to be revised. This revision of academic programs is crucial to educate new architects to address social and environmental challenges from an innovative perspective. With Contributions of  Iñaki Alday, Jesse M. Keenan, Edson Cabalfin, Scott Bernhard, Kentaro Tsubaki  
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