Cities & Rivers (ENG ED.)
aldayjover architecture and landscape
Iñaki Alday, Margarita Jover, Jesús Arcos, Francisco Mesonero
The architectural culture of Spain in the last 20 years of boom and bust has been an important incubator for a paradigmatic shift of vision in the profession, a process in which the architecture of Iñaki Alday and Margarita Jover, with their firm aldayjover architecture and landscape, has played a pioneering role.
Taken as a whole, aldayjover's work demonstrates the importance of understanding architecture in all its facets, from building design to landscape and territorial planning, as a unified cultural and a technical discipline that is capable of addressing complex problems in holistic terms. During the years of the icon builders, the cultural dimension of architecture was seen chiefly as a question of individual creative expression, of a personal poetics or sensibility, which was invested in the built object as if it were a work of art. aldayjover's role, in contrast,
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Fusionando Ciudad y Naturaleza (SP ED.)
30 compromisos para combatir el cambio climático
We have chosen the motto “Merging city and nature” to encompass our improvement goals in each one of the actions we develop. We work with three different disciplines: Urban Planning, Landscape and Architecture, attempting to be extremely specialized in each one, without disregarding the unavoidable transversality required today to develop any intervention. Climate emergency is currently our main transversality, that which must guide all our actions.
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Merging City and Nature (ENG ED.)
30 Commitments to Combat Climate Change
"We have chosen the motto “Merging city and nature” to encompass our improvement goals in each one of the actions we develop. We work with three different disciplines: Urban Planning, Landscape and Architecture, attempting to be extremely specialized in each one, without disregarding the unavoidable transversality required today to develop any intervention. Climate emergency is currently our main transversality, that which must guide all our actions." Batlleiroig
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Foundations of Urban Design
Marcel Smets
The book is structured into twenty-nine essays, each dedicated to a pair of urbanistic concepts. Discussing historical and contemporary, interpretive and designerly approaches to urbanity, the notions composing the 29 pairs relate dialectically, as theses-and-antitheses. Still, we are warned, ‘the presented antagonisms are not a priori in opposition, but rather complementary.
“With this book, Marcel Smets not only offers an inspiring vocabulary to describe the spatial features of the city but, above all, a unique dictionnaire raisonné to discuss past and future interventions in our largest man-made artefact.”
Tom Avermaete, Chair for the History and Theory of Urban Design, ETH Zürich.
Smets’ fundaments may be likened to emblems. A Renaissance genre, proliferating before the Industrial Age, emblems are complex knowledge repositories, their meaning emerging at the intersection – but not as ‘sum’ of – a title, a text and an image. The paired titles, the written analysis, alternating abstractions and historic references,
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Monsoon as Method
Assembling Monsoonal Multiplicities
Lindsay Bremner, Beth Cullen, Christina Geros, Harshavardhan Bhat, Anthony Powis, John Cook, Tom Benson
The book presents the methods that Monsoon Assemblages has evolved for engaging the monsoon, a globally connected weather system, as a co-producer of urban life and space in South and Southeast Asian cities. It challenges views of climate as an inert backdrop to urban life, instead suggesting that it is materially and spatially active in shaping urban politics, ecologies, infrastructures, buildings and bodies. The book invites urban practitioners, from architects to policy makers, to think differently about space, time, representation and human and non-human agency. It offers intra-disciplinary, intra-active methods for rethinking human and non-human relations with weather in ways that meet the challenges of climate change and the Anthropocene.
Foreword by Karen Coelho.
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Ambiguous Territory
Architecture, Landscape and the Postnatural
Cathryn Dwyre, Chris Perry, David Salomon, Kathy Velikov (eds.)
The writers and designers in this collection are among the most thoughtful architects, artists, landscape architects, and theorists working today. The editors organized these essays and works of art and design around three territories: the atmospheric, the biologic, and the geologic. Each cluster of essays is further framed by forewords and afterwords, which draw individual points of view into a larger articulation of what an ambiguous territory might be and how it operates. Ambiguous Territory emerged from a symposium and exhibition held at the University of Michigan in the fall of 2017, and exhibitions at the University of Virginia and Pratt Manhattan Gallery in 2018, and at Ithaca College in 2019. The conversations that arise in this book are inquisitive and critically engaged. They pressure assumptions we routinely make about what constitutes meaningful and principled perspectives in architecture,
Territorial Relations between City and Nature
Nicola Valentino Canessa
The theme is increasingly important mini European cities where the urban transformations must be able to bring in nature, but it is also very interesting the relationship of new urban contexts those generated by new metropolitan areas that allow you to connect areas that were previously considered a "back" to the city.
The book is divided into two parts the first more theoretical with the story of these new territorial opportunities, the second part instead is more graphic that linked feeling of some projects developed within the courses of the thesis.
Landscape as Territory
A Cartographic Design Project
Clara Olóriz Sanjuán
Landscape as Territory is a cartographic book project that critically addresses the agency of architects in the so-called 'Urban Age,' understanding the notion of 'territory' as a field of design praxis through which interconnected landscapes are produced. Territory, understood as a 'political technology,' has the capacity to involve architects and designers into complex social, political, technical, legal, strategic and economic processes that are both historical and geographical engines of contemporary urbanization. Territorial praxis is interrogated in a collection of threaded theory and design contributions where essays pose key questions that are addressed through projective cartographies, unfolding arguments related to three sections: (1) territory, (2) critical cartographies and (3) agency.
This material intends to raise awareness about the consequential production of landscapes through territorial processes and urges a critical re-appropriation of cartographic tools, accomplice in the production of territories, and to question and expand the architect's agency.
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