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The Arsenal of Exclusion & Inclusion
A book about accessibility in the built environment in the United States
Tobias Armborst, Daniel D'Oca, Georgeen Theodore / Interboro
Who gets to be where? The Arsenal of Exclusion & Inclusion examines some of the policies, practices, and physical artifacts that have been used by planners, policymakers, developers, real estate brokers, community activists, and other urban actors in the United States to draw, erase, or redraw the lines that divide. The Arsenal inventories these weapons of exclusion and inclusion, describes how they have been used, and speculates about how they might be deployed (or retired) for the sake of more open cities in which more people have access to more places. With contributions from over fifty architects, planners, geographers, historians, and journalists, The Arsenal offers a wide-ranging view of the forces that shape our cities.

Empire, State & Building
Whence the Accumulation of Raw Matter and Energy of building in New York City?
Kiel Moe
This book considers the material basis of building as a key impetus of both urbanization and the energetics of urban life. The otherwise externalized material geographies and thermodynamics of building’s material basis reveal much about the dynamics and efficacy of how we build. This book plots the material history and geography for one plot of land in Manhattan—the parcel of land under the Empire State Building—over the past two hundred years. Through rich illustrations, it tracks all the building material that have passed through this parcel or remain it in geographic and ecological dynamics: spatially (in terms of their geographic material footprints and industrial processes) and quantitatively (in terms of embodied energy, embodied carbon, and emergy flow). In successive chapters, the book articulates the empire and states that are inherent to building, but remain unconsidered—abstract and
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Architecture and Waste
A (re)planned Obsolescence
Hanif Kara, Leire Asensio-Villoria & Andreas Georgoulias
This book presents a refreshed, design-led approach to waste-to-energy (WTE) plants, reflecting work done at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design over a period of three years. Architecture and design currently play a minor role in the design and construction of industrial building types, especially waste-to-energy facilities. As densities increase and consumption patterns change, the need for more waste-to-energy facilities is only going to increase. Through comparing the well-established waste-to-energy industries in Sweden with less established engagements in the northeast of the United States, opportunities and lessons are revealed.
Architects have a role to play in integrating waste-to-energy plants physically and programmatically within their urban or suburban contexts, as well as potentially lessening the generally negative perception of energy recovery plants. These hybrid WTE building typologies have the potential not only re-connect and communicate to the public, but also weave new public or institutional programs with
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Conversations and Allusions: Enric Miralles
Catherine Spellman
Enric Miralles (1955-2000) remains one of the most prominent architects of his generation. The significance of his architectural design lies in his seamless integration of site and building and his use of space to serve the everyday conditions of life.
Practicing for less than twenty-five years Miralles designed over 150 projects, many are now built including: the Scottish Parliament Buildings, Santa Caterina Market, Vigo University, Diagonal Mar Park, Alicante Gymnastic Center, and Igualada Cemetry.The book Conversations and Allusions, Enric Miralles brings together previously unpublished essays and lectures by his former collaborators and friends. Each contributor in this timely publication offers unique insight on Miralles' practice of architecture as a way of creating positive change in the world.
With contributions by
Benedetta Tagliabue, Elias Torres, Peter Buchanan, Josep Quetglas, Sir Peter Cook, Juan Jose Lahuerta, Carles Muro, Elena Cánovas, Manuel Bailo, Teresa Galí-Izard, Maurici Pla, Eva Prats, Elena Rocchi.
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Álvaro Siza Vieira: A Pool in the Sea
In conversation with Kenneth Frampton. Photography by Vincent Mentzel
Kenneth Frampton, Vincent Mentzel
This book documents a unique experience of a journey by Alvaro Siza Vieira, Vincent Mentzel and Kenneth Frampton to the early work of Siza in Porto. The book includes a conversation between Kenneth Frampton and Alvaro Siza and photos by Vincent Mentzel.
DAM Deutsches Architekturmuseum International Architecture Book Award 2020
One of the 50 Best Books and Covers for 2018 by the AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Designers)Â in partnership with the Design Observer
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Imminent Commons: Urban Questions for the Near Future
Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017
Alejandro Zaera-Polo, Hyungmin Pai, urbanNext (eds.)
Imminent Commons, first book from the Seoul Biennale 2017, will present an imminent urban cosmology that is crucially mediated by the technologies and institutions that feed us, move us, condition our environments, recycle our refuse, make our clothes, and connect us into communities.
The cities of the world stand at a crossroads. Amidst radical social, economic, and technological transformations, will the city become a driving force of creativity, diversity, and sustainability, or will it be a mechanism of inequality, despair, and environmental decay? At this critical moment, where do the stakes lie and what are the agents of change? From the time of its birth, the city has been held together by the commons.
The first publication of the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017, proposes a framework where set basic commons —an evolving network of agencies, resources and technologies—
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Wiel Arets
No one demands that people move to cities; people tend to do so, on their own. People choose to move to cities for opportunity. Such choices are often made unconsciously, as they are based on rules, traditions, and local communities–or a combination of all three. Un-Conscious-City explores and unravels Dutch architect Wiel Arets’ kaleidoscopic viewpoints on the ways the collective, unconscious decisions taken by the world’s citizens throughout time–a process that remains invisible to the naked eye–are now working to transform and shift the physical, sensory, and emotional experiences of human beings, as they navigate and live in today’s metropolises as well as the countryside.
People tend to only belong to one religion, one society, or one club–which completely defines their existence. One day most human beings will live in a globalnomadic-urban-condition; this will soon be amplified to unknown heights. Un-Conscious-City raises questions, predicaments, and ideals regarding the future of our cities, while recognizing their limitations. Wiel Arets–renowned architect, writer, and thinker–identifies this condition
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General Theory of Urbanization 1867
Ildefons Cerdà
First translation into English on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the publication of the General Theory of Urbanization by Ildefons Cerdà, an essential work on urban development.
In 1867 Ildefons Cerdà published his “Teoria general de la urbanització.” In this text, the “science of building cities”, understood as a phenomenon, became a new discipline with a broad economic, social and cultural impact on the life of the people of the city. Coinciding with 150 years since its publication, its first translation into English is being presented along with the publishing online with the statistics transformed into interactive graphics and open data, with the aim of expanding the knowledge of Cerdà’s work and encouraging debate on the process of “urbanization” in the future.
Co-published with the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia in collaboration with the Diputació de Barcelona, the Generalitat de Catalunya through Incasòl. Bloomberg Philanthropies contributed as
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Layered Landscapes Lofoten
Understanding of Complexity, Otherness and Change
Magdalena Haggärde & Gisle Løkken / 70°N arkitektur
This book discusses approaches towards landscapes under pressure and transformation, and the importance of unprejudiced and experimental investigations to reveal its natural and cultural complexity.
Layered Landscapes Lofoten, Understanding of Complexity, Otherness and Change aims to challenge internalized concepts about how landscapes are considered and investigated, to open for alternative research, and legitimize subjective, singular and experimental approaches as valid and appreciated as a foundation for an informed process. These approaches take into consideration both the landscape and the practices taking place in the landscape, that are consistently full of individual and collective stories and experiences —the complexity created in both time and space, which influences our societies not only as traces of historical events, but as present realities and even expectations and what is to become. Under the concepts of complexity, imbrication, vulnerability, fieldwork, flexibility and reorientation ideas are developed, all
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Many Norths
Spatial Practice in a Polar Territory
Lola Sheppard & Mason White / Lateral Office
Many Norths: Spatial Practice in a Polar Territory charts the unique spatial realities of Canada’s Arctic region, an immense territory populated with small, dispersed communities. The region has undergone dramatic transformations in the name of sovereignty, aboriginal affairs management, resources, and trade, among others. For most of the Arctic’s modern history, architecture, infrastructure, and settlements have been the tools of colonialism. Today, tradition and modernity are intertwined.
Northerners have demonstrated remarkable adaptation and resilience as powerful climatic, social, and economic pressures collide. This unprecedented book documents—through the themes of urbanism, architecture, mobility, monitoring, and resources—the multiplicity of norths that appear and the spatial practices employed to negotiate it. Using innovative drawings, maps, timelines, as well as essays and interviews, Many Norths reveals a distinct northern vernacular.
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Yamuna River Project
New Delhi Urban Ecolgy
Iñaki Alday & Pankaj Vir Gupta
This publication presents the results of more than five consecutive years of focused research initiatives and designs from The University of Virginia School of Architecture towards the revitalization of New Delhi, India's water bodies.
In collaboration with the Delhi Jal Board, The University of Virginia's Yamuna River Project is an inter-disciplinary research program, proposing to revitalize the ecology of the Yamuna River in Delhi and creating vital urban links with the Yamuna River as it flows through India's capital city. Through the research, methodologies, and designs contained within this publication, this project aims to serve as a catalyst for the urgent recovery of the Yamuna River and its tributaries, building a publically accessible body of information and expertise resulting in visions of what an alternative future would be. Only by addressing human equality and the complexity of Delhi's urban phenomenon can the social and
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Clip, Stamp, Fold
The Radical Architecture of Little Magazines 196X to 197X
Beatriz Colomina, Craig Buckley
An explosion of little architectural magazines in the 1960s and 1970s instigated a radical transformation in architectural culture, as the magazines acted as a site of innovation and debate. Clip, Stamp, Fold takes stock of seventy little magazines from this period that were published in over a dozen cities.
Part of the 125 Best Architecture Books of ArchDaily
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From Control to Design
Michael Meredith, AGU, Mutsuro Sasaki, P .ART, Designtoproduction and Aranda/Lash
Parametric and algorithmic design are two of the fastest emerging, most radical technologies reshaping architecture today. This book presents six independent practices that explore current applications of parametric and algorithmic design techniques in architectural production. If the first generation of digital modeling programs allowed designers to conceive new forms and processes, a new breed of digital techniques is being discussed to control and realize these forms. How are these techniques affecting architectural practice and what potentials do they offer ? This is a compilation of projects from leading practitioners across the fields of parametric and algorithmic design. A compelling, multi-perspective debate on the future of design. Featuring: Mutsuro Sasaki, AGU (Arup), Aranda-Lasch, Michael Meredith (mos), (AKT), Designtoproduction, with a conversation between Sanford Kwinter and Jason Payne.
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