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Biodigital Architecture & Genetics


Escritos / Writings
Alberto T. Estévez

Special selection of Alberto T. Estévez writings, after 15 years since the creation of the Genetic Architectures Research Group and of the Biodigital Architecture Master, in ESARQ (UIC Barcelona), year 2000.
This book is about the interdisciplinary of Architecture, Design, Art, Science, Technology, Theory, Practice, Biology, Digital, Genetics… With writings about the application of genetics to architecture, about the first time that geneticists work for architects, towards frontiers of architecture, working with digital tools and organic forms, with the new bio & digital techniques in architecture and design


Author: Alberto T. Estévez
Size: 15 x 21 cm./ 8.26 x 5.90 in.
Pages: 296
Illustrations: Color
Cover: Softcover
Publication date: July 2017
Publisher: ESARQ (UIC Barcelona)
ISBN: English/Spanish 9788468663753
Price: 25 € / $ 29 / 23 £

Total: 38,00€
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