Continuities Between Humans, Spaces, and the Earth
Alper Derinboğaz
Architectural history is a fragment of the long evolution of forms of habitat. The shape of the lands and the way we inhabit them are at the root of all architectural endeavours. However, our established conception of architecture is based on a hierarchy between nature and culture. Modernity and its break from the vernacular has led to a crisis of connections which we are experiencing the effects of. To move towards an architecture more in tune with earth, we need to think in continuities, looking at the emergence of natural forms, the history of human inhabitation and the future of fabrication technologies. What if we see buildings as iterations of nature rather than artificial objects?
This book is an extended visual essay of ideas, images, drawings and projects that follows the work of Alper Derinbogaz over the past decade, framing an approach based on
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States of Entanglement
Data in the Irish Landscape
ANNEX / Sven Anderson, Alan Butler, David Capener, Donal Lally, Clare Lyster & Fiona McDermott
As our everyday lives become increasingly entangled with data technologies, the book addresses the utopian fantasy that surrounds the Cloud, as transcending physical presence or resourcing. By bringing the physical infrastructure around data, and its impact on the environment under the spotlight, it hopes to reframe how we understand data production and highlight the myth that information technologies are hidden and without major material manifestations on the landscape. The context for the book is Ireland which has a significant historical role in the evolution of global communications and data infrastructure. In 1866, the world's first transatlantic telegraph cable landed on the West coast of Ireland. In 1901, the inventor of the radio Guglielmo Marconi transmitted some of the world's first wireless radio messages from Ireland across the Atlantic Ocean to Newfoundland. Today,
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Responsive Environments
An Interdisciplinary Manifesto on Design, Technology and the Human Experience
Allen Sayegh, Stefano Andreani, Matteo Kalchschmidt
What makes an environment "responsive"? This book provides some key concepts in the form of a design manifesto. Critically articulated from the perspective of leading experts, scholars and professionals, the ideas explored are unpacked through speculative urban visions and design projects at different timeframes, contexts and scales ranging from interactive artifacts to augmented cities. Drawing from a multiyear research at the REAL Lab at Harvard GSD and design work by INVIVIA and other innovative practices, the book unfolds the experiential facets of our technologically-mediated relationship with space in the fields of architecture and urbanism, design and art.
With the collaboration of
the Harvard REAL Lab.
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The Ecologies of the Building Envelope
A Material History and Theory of Architectural Surfaces
Alejandro Zaera-Polo, Jeffrey S. Anderson
While the façade is one of the most thoroughly theorized elements of architecture, it is also one of the most questioned since the end of the 19th century. Within the discipline of architecture, the traditional understanding of the façade focuses primarily on semiotic and compositional operations (such as proportional laws and linguistic codes), which are deployed on the building's surface. In contrast to this, our material and environmental theory of the envelope proposes that the exponential development of building technologies since the mid-19th century, coupled with new techniques of management and regulation, have diminished the compositional and ornamental capacities of the envelope in favor of material, quantitative, and technical performances. Rather than producing a stylistic analysis of the façade, we investigate the historical lineages of the performances, components, assembly types, and material entanglements that constitute the contemporary building envelope.
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Imminent Commons: Commoning Cities
Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017
Hyungmin Pai, Helen Hejung Choi
The third book from the Seoul Biennale 2017 explores the value and meaning of cities as commons, which is embedded and operate in various governance mechanisms of cities in the world.
Imminent Commons: Commoning Cities presents questions and answers concerning the current state and near future of cities of the world through the lens of public initiatives, projects, and urban narratives. Cities are searching for new possibilities that will help them survive and thrive within new systems of municipal governance. The strategies of cities with regard to rapid urbanization, scarcity of public resources, and privatization of commons will be examined through the diverse spectrum of focused projects. It also discusses the present and future of cities as commons in the 21st century through examining various ways the cities use to deliberate, operate, imagine and execute their policies for the city.
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Bracket 3: At Extremes
Lola Sheppard & Maya Przybylski
This publication includes critical articles and unpublished design projects that investigate architecture, infrastructure and technology as they operate in conditions of imbalance, negotiate tipping points and test limit states.
We are conditioned, as designers of the built environment, towards the organization of people, programs and movement. Indeed the history of modern urbanism, architecture and building science has been predicated on an anti-entropic notion of programmatic and social order. But are there scenarios in which a state of extremity or imbalance is productive? Bracket [at extremes] seeks to understand what new spatial orders emerge in this liminal space. How might it be leveraged as an opportunity for invention? What are the limits of wilderness and control, of the natural and artificial, the real and the virtual? What new landscapes, networks, and urban models might emerge in the wake of destabilized economic, social and environmental conditions?
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Landscape Futures
Instruments, Devices and Architectural Inventions
Geoff Manaugh
A speculative look into the future of our built environment.
This book explores how landscapes, and our perceptions of them, can be utterly transformed by technology and design. It travels the shifting terrains of architectural invention, where new spatial devices on a variety of scales – from the handheld to the inhabitable – reveal previously overlooked dimensions of the built and natural environments.