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Authors/catherine spellman

Catherine Spellman, AIA is the Associate Director and Professor of Architecture at The Design School, Arizona State University. Additionally, she has taught at several universities in the US and Europe, including the Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Kunst, Frankfurt, Germany with Enric Miralles, and the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London with Sir Peter Cook. She is the recipient of numerous awards for teaching. Her research interest include the design of quality public places that make a strong connection between architecture and its site context. To this end, she has authored and published three edited books: Re-Envisioning Landscape/Architecture, A Space for our Generation, Conversations with Students, Peter Smithson (with co-author/editor Karl Unglaub) and Conversation and Allusions to Enric Miralles. Her design work includes multiple not-for-profit community engaged projects, national and international design competitions, and exhibitions.

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