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Lewerentz Fragments

Lewerentz Fragments

Jonathan Foote, Hansjörg Göritz, Matthew Hall, Nathan Matteson
Through new essays, recently discovered archival material, photography, and drawings, the publication Lewerentz Fragments explores the architect’s body of work spanning three-quarters of the twentieth century. Comprising writings from all the major scholars on Lewerentz’ work, along with several new voices, this publication offers new insight into the context surrounding this architect’s work. Rather than focusing on a single thesis, the book offers a diversity of insight from multiple cultural and professional perspectives. In addition, previously unpublished translations of interviews and dialogs among the architect and his contemporaries offer a voice to the ‘silent architect’ altering the traditional interpretations of the work and digging past the surface of what might be considered his philosophy of building. Rather than serving as an introduction to the architect’s work, this volume provides detailed fragments as a deep and diverse dive into one of the most mysterious of Scandinavia’s modern masters.
With Contributions of Janne Ahlin, Claes Caldenby, Adam Caruso, Johan Celsing, Patrick Doan, Nicola Flora, Jonathan Foote, Matthew Hall, Per Iwansson, Thomas Bo Jensen, Nathan Matteson, Enrico Miglietta, Paolo Giardiello, Hansjörg Göritz, Magnus Gustafsson, Mariana Manner, Anne-Marie Nelson, Gennaro Postiglione, Wilfried Wang, Ola Wedebrunn. Archival reproductions from the Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design (ArkDes), The Stockholm stadsarkiv, and The Malmö stadsarkiv. EBOOK EDITION
X!? 2010-2020 TEN YEARS OODA (ENG ED.)

X!? 2010-2020 TEN YEARS OODA (ENG ED.)

João Rapagão OODA is a Portuguese architecture collective, now celebrating 10 years of practice. Based in Porto with experience gained internationally in notable offices, such as OMA-Rem Koolhaas and Zaha Hadid Architects, the collective aims to expand internationally, namely New York, São Paulo and Shanghai. With a wide range of work (whether idea or built, new or rehabilitation) and participation in international competitions in Africa, America, Asia, Middle East and Europe, their work includes partnerships with Kengo Kuma and the Pritzker prize Souto de Moura. More than presenting and dissecting the work of the practice, this book is an adventure in technical and artistic exchanges. It is divided into three parts; the appraisal of the first ten years, hence the X mark - X - in the title of the book and also predictions for the next ten; a presentation of case studies and projects according to six criteria and knowledge approaches – Insertions, Second Life, Intimacy, Iconographies, Landmarks and Genealogies; and the Dissection of the ten years that have passed, hence the exclamation mark - ! - in the title of the book, along an explanation of the functional and business structure. Ana Aragão has produced an illustrated analysis and synthesis of the practice. Ashley Simone, Fernando Serapião and Pedro Gadanho were invited to write thematically focused and specialized essays on the production and prediction for the coming years of the collective, represented by the question mark - ? - in the title of the book. With Contributions of Ana Aragão, Ashley Simone, Fernando Serapião and Pedro Gadanho. Buy Portuguese edition EBOOK EDITION
X!? 2010-2020 DEZ ANOS OODA (PT ED.)

X!? 2010-2020 DEZ ANOS OODA (PT ED.)

João Rapagão OODA is a Portuguese architecture collective, now celebrating 10 years of practice. Based in Porto with experience gained internationally in notable offices, such as OMA-Rem Koolhaas and Zaha Hadid Architects, the collective aims to expand internationally, namely New York, São Paulo and Shanghai. With a wide range of work (whether idea or built, new or rehabilitation) and participation in international competitions in Africa, America, Asia, Middle East and Europe, their work includes partnerships with Kengo Kuma and the Pritzker prize Souto de Moura. More than presenting and dissecting the work of the practice, this book is an adventure in technical and artistic exchanges. It is divided into three parts; the appraisal of the first ten years, hence the X mark - X - in the title of the book and also predictions for the next ten; a presentation of case studies and projects according to six criteria and knowledge approaches – Insertions, Second Life, Intimacy, Iconographies, Landmarks and Genealogies; and the Dissection of the ten years that have passed, hence the exclamation mark - ! - in the title of the book, along an explanation of the functional and business structure. Ana Aragão has produced an illustrated analysis and synthesis of the practice. Ashley Simone, Fernando Serapião and Pedro Gadanho were invited to write thematically focused and specialized essays on the production and prediction for the coming years of the collective, represented by the question mark - ? - in the title of the book. With Contributions of Ana Aragão, Ashley Simone, Fernando Serapião and Pedro Gadanho. Buy English edition EBOOK EDITION


A Suburban Archipelago Lina Malfona This book tells the story of the making of a community, which occurred hand-in-hand with the building of an archipelago of suburban residences, which reaffirm the value of the countryside within a technological and digital society. From 2010 onwards, Lina Malfona together with Petrini Architects and thanks to the support of the structural engineer Tommaso Malfona has been designing and building this archipelago of villas in the countryside north of Rome, which is also where their home-studio is located. This experimental residence has become a point of reference for the design of an innovative housing typology, an ‘ultra-residential’ villa as a place to experience private as well as public life. With Contributions of Pippo Ciorra (introduction); Kenneth Frampton, Stan Allen (blurbs) EBOOK VERSION
Resili(g)ence (vol. 2)

Resili(g)ence (vol. 2)

GOA Resili(g)ent City Nicola Valentino Canessa The Resili(g)ence publication is part of the outputs produced within the European project KAAU, Knowledge Alliance for Advanced Urbanism (, Erasmus + program, and consists of two volumes: the first Resili(g)ence Intelligent Cities / Resilient Landscapes offers reflections on the general framework and on the theme of resilience applied to intelligent cities and the landscape, while the second volume GOA Resili(g)ent City, analyses the case study of Genoa. Resili(g)ence is a combined word, created by Manuel Gausa, merging the words resilience and intelligence. Intelligence is intended not only as the artificial but also as the human one, though undoubtedly today the world of BigData and OpenData can help the better understand of the city and its dynamics. Resilience, instead, is a term derived from the materials science and indicates the property that some materials have to maintain their structure or to regain its original shape after being subjected to crushing or deformation. The history of making the city of Genoa safe from floods is ancient history. And complex, very complex. It is the story of the wrong relationship between the river and the city, between nature and the urban and industrial development of the capital, between the flow of watercourses and their covering and cementing of the banks and beds of streams. It is perhaps one of the paradigmatic examples of the senselessness of man’s choices towards his environment. But it is also the story of the delays of politics and institutions, of bureaucracies, of the system of public works in our country: of an Italy more attentive to formal respect for rules than for the rules of nature. In the midst of this history there are the disasters, floods, the dead, the injured, the damage of the flooding of the Bisagno torrent, which with its 30 km cuts the city from north to south, in one of the most built up areas of Italy, to reach the sea in the Foce district.  EBOOK VERSION  
Resili(g)ence (vol. 1)

Resili(g)ence (vol. 1)

Intelligent Cities. Resilient Landscapes Manuel Gausa The term Resili(g)ence is presented in these pages as a neologism coined by the team responsible of the GIC.Lab (DAD-UNIGE) to define those strategies of approach to our cities and environments of life, exchange and relationship, capable of combining Urban Resilience and Urban Intelligence, simultaneously. As will be seen later in some of the texts that make up this publication, both voices are called, intersected, combined and intertwined, in many of their meanings and possible connotations. The structure of this publication includes 4 different sections that articulate the different contributions and approaches that are conjugated here. – A first section (Foreword and Framework) introduces, in fact, the context and the framework of reflection and the different connotations associated with it. – A second section (Crossing Scenarios) articulates various contributions generated around the GIC.Lab of Genova and the ADD (Doctorate in Architecture and Design) of the DAD (Department Architecture and Design - UNIGE) by responsible, collaborators and researchers. This approach defends, in large part, a holistic vision in the contemporary approach to the city and its complex relationship with the environment, focusing mainly on aspects of reading and strategic-landscape and social projection. – A third section (Key-Cases of Study) presents a selection of experiences and exemplary case studies, ordered according to their interest and level of complexity in various topics related to the Urban Resilience + Intelligence combination (mapping, managing, planning, landing, designing, socializing). – A fourth section (MED.NET.KAAU Symposium) synthesizes positions, experiences and reflections presented in this meeting, structured in turn in three basic sections (mapping + managing, planning + landing, designing + socializing). – A final section (Backstage Gallery) shows a series of images and pictures of the event, made by different collaborator that contextualize and personalize the atmosphere and the plural cultural, professional, teaching and scientific – nature of a meeting with a double vocation, academic and civil. This document of synthesis can be seen as a concentration of voices and stimuli, also complemented by the publication International Forum Med.Net 03 Resili(g)ence. ADD Scientific Meeting. Conference Proceedings (Papers Docs. Barcelona 2016) where are collected the papers, acts and proceedings of this scientific conference, held in parallel to the KAAU Symposium and more focused on environmental and territorial issues, addressed from a broad multidisciplinary spectrum. With these lines we would also like to thank all those collaborators who have made these reflections possible (teachers, students, assistants, members of the KAAU consortium and the various cultural associations and professional collaborators) for their generous effort and proactive energy. With Contributions of Manuel Gausa, Alessia Ronco Milanaccio, Giorgia Tucci, Carmen Andriani, Paola Sabbion, Nicola Canessa, Maria Linda Falcidieno, Luis Falcón, Andrea Caridi, José Alfredo Ramírez, Areti Markopulou, Emanuele Sommariva, Andreu Ullied, Pierre Alain Trevelo, Daniele Vasini, Fernando Porras, Jörg Schröder, Mosé Ricci, Maurizio Carta, Sara Favargiotti, Raffaella Fagnoni, Élodie Nourrigat, Judith Sykes, Martín Rein Caro, Ezio Manzini, Salvatore Iaconesi EBOOK VERSION  
Next Generation Tourism

Next Generation Tourism

Touching the Ground Lightly- Edward P. Bass Visiting Distinguished Architecture Fellowship #14. John Spence, Henry Squire, Patrick Bellew The book features current sustainability and material research and design for innovative strategies centered around ecology, sustainability, and the rise of future tourism models on the resort island of Gili Meno, Indonesia. It focuses on sustainability of materials, climate issues, and development in fragile island areas where exploitation of resources are being monitored for future development. It is said that our actions impact the environment seven generations into the future. In fact the growing concern about the global impact of tourism and the associated waste produced by leisure industries is outdated. This Yale graduate advanced architecture studio analyzed the current ecological conditions, indigenous architecture styles, and resort culture of Gili Meno, a tiny remote island off the coast of Lombok, Indonesia, to generate next-generation models of tourism. We've also seen a huge rise in awareness of sustainability in terms of holidaying patterns and resort developments. I wouldn't say that 30 years ago people were blind to these issues, but there's certainly much more education and consciousness now about global warming and other issues. So whether a developer sincerely believes it needs to incorporate sustainability or sees a commercial advantage in being sustainable, there's no discrepancy. A commercial advantage validates the need to be sustainable because there's nothing less sustainable than a failed resort. -John Spence    


Portals: Pedagogy, Practice, and Architecture’s Future Imaginary (RISD 2020) Amy Catania Kulper, Kevin Crouse, Jennifer Liese (eds.) This book documents an interregnum, a pause, a moment of self-reflection in which architects, imperiled by the COVID-19 pandemic and all of the forms of inequity that this global crisis surfaced, confronted remote architectural pedagogy and practice as a critical threshold for the future imaginary of the discipline. The renowned group of architects, educators, theorists, critics, and curators assembled in this volume provide critical insights into the future of architectural pedagogy, utilizing the thesis and design research projects of the RISD Architecture class of 2020 as exemplars of the transformations currently taking place in the field. This volume considers the forms that architectural activism and advocacy take in a moment when architects are critically reexamining the conventions of their practice and the question of which constituencies they serve. With Contributions of RISD B.Arch & M.Arch students with Iñaki Alday, Daniel A. Barber, Hansy Better Barraza, Sean Canty, Kevin Crouse, Peggy Deamer, David Gersten, Mario Gooden, Timothy Hyde, Daniel Ibañez, Kent Kleinman, Amy Catania Kulper, Carl Lostritto, Ryan McCaffrey, Ana Miljački, Kiel Moe, Nicholas de Monchaux, Ijlal Muzaffar, Ben Pell, Rachely Rotem, Jacqueline Shaw, Lola Sheppard, Georgeen Theodore, Mason White, Dr. Mabel O. Wilson, Jason Young EBOOK EDITION
Responsive Environments

Responsive Environments

An Interdisciplinary Manifesto on Design, Technology and the Human Experience Allen Sayegh, Stefano Andreani, Matteo Kalchschmidt What makes an environment "responsive"? This book provides some key concepts in the form of a design manifesto. Critically articulated from the perspective of leading experts, scholars and professionals, the ideas explored are unpacked through speculative urban visions and design projects at different timeframes, contexts and scales ranging from interactive artifacts to augmented cities. Drawing from a multiyear research at the REAL Lab at Harvard GSD and design work by INVIVIA and other innovative practices, the book unfolds the experiential facets of our technologically-mediated relationship with space in the fields of architecture and urbanism, design and art. With the collaboration of the Harvard REAL Lab. EBOOK VERSION
States Of Entanglement

States of Entanglement

Data in the Irish Landscape ANNEX / Sven Anderson, Alan Butler, David Capener, Donal Lally, Clare Lyster & Fiona McDermott As our everyday lives become increasingly entangled with data technologies, the book addresses the utopian fantasy that surrounds the Cloud, as transcending physical presence or resourcing. By bringing the physical infrastructure around data, and its impact on the environment under the spotlight, it hopes to reframe how we understand data production and highlight the myth that information technologies are hidden and without major material manifestations on the landscape. The context for the book is Ireland which has a significant historical role in the evolution of global communications and data infrastructure. In 1866, the world's first transatlantic telegraph cable landed on the West coast of Ireland. In 1901, the inventor of the radio Guglielmo Marconi transmitted some of the world's first wireless radio messages from Ireland across the Atlantic Ocean to Newfoundland. Today, Dublin has overtaken London as the data centre hub of Europe, hosting 25% of all available European server space. And by the year 2027, data centres are forecast to consume a third of Ireland's total electricity demand. The book aims to raise awareness around the hardware of the global internet and Cloud services, which is interwoven with the Irish landscape—made manifest through the vast constellation of data centres, fibre optic cable networks, and energy grids that have come to populate its cities and suburbs over recent decades. The publication accompanies and supports Entanglement, the Irish Pavilion at the 17th Venice Architecture Biennale by archiving the production of the pavilion filtered through a series of poetic excerpts that describe the form, components, content and furniture that make up the installation. At the same time the book is conceived as more than just a catalog by positioning some of the cultural and spatial implications of data technologies in Ireland within a more universal context through contributions by ANNEX, the team selected to produce the pavilion, as well as invited contributors from the disciplines of Media Theory; Journalism; Computer Science, Geography; History and Architecture. With Contributions of Nicole Starosielski, Patrick Brodie, Patrick Bresnihan, Paul O'Neill, Christopher Morash, Catherine Ince, Merlo Kelly. Graphic Design by Alex Synge. EBOOK VERSION
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