Authors/clare lyster

Associate Professor of Architecture at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Her creative practice explores the design of the built environment from the perspective of systems and flows, ranging from the adaptive re-use of 19th and 20th-century urban infrastructure to an investigation of the territorial implications of emerging socio-technical networks. She is the author of Learning from Logistics: How Networks Change Cities (Birkhäuser, 2016), which focuses on how contemporary digital platforms transform urban space. She is also co-editor of Third Coast Atlas: Prelude to a Plan (Actar, 2017), that explores the relationship between urbanisation and hydrology in the Great Lakes region of North America.
She is a member of ANNEX, the curatorial team selected for the Irish Pavilion at the 17th Venice Biennale of Architecture in 2021, and she is also co-editor of the affiliated publication, States of Entanglement: Data in the Irish Landscape (2021). She received the UIC CADA Distinguished Faculty Award 2019-21; the 2019 UIC Distinguished Scholar Award in Art, Architecture and the Humanities; and the 2019 SOM Foundation Research Prize. She is founding principal of CLUAA, a research design based office in Chicago.