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Houses in Forest Clearings

LCLA office. Photographed by Luis Callejas
Luis Callejas

One hundred photographs of houses in clearings by Luis Callejas. These photos are accompanied by drawings and three parallel conversations between Luis Callejas and Matteo Ghidoni, Elisa Cattaneo, and Jørgen Tandberg. The photographs were taken during three trips between Norway and Colombia. Most photos were done using the same 35 mm lens, avoiding wide angles encompassing each small space’s totality. The conversations were triggered later by the photographs as opposed to direct experience; these images and conversations address the parallels between the construction of a house, a clearing, and the construction of an image. The houses were designed by LCLA office in found, edited, and constructed forest clearings.

Luis Callejas in conversation with:
Matteo Ghidoni. On rituals, geometry, and the night
Jørgen Tandberg. On form, structure, and construction
Elissa Cataneo. On archetypes, clearings, and grammar



Author: Luis Callejas / LCLA office
Editors: Jørgen Tandberg & Luis Callejas
Size: 24 x 30 cm. /  11,8 x 9,5  in.
Pages: 100
Illustrations: Color
Cover: Hardcover
Publication date: May 2024
Published by: Actar Publishers & Arkitektfaglig presse
ISBN: English 9781638401438
Price: 30€/ $34,95/ £30

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Luis Callejas


One hundred photographs of houses in clearings by Luis Callejas, accompanied by drawings and three parallel conversations between the author and Matteo Ghidoni, Elisa Cattaneo, and Jørgen Tandberg.

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