Rethinking Chongqing
Mixed-Use and Super-Dense- Edward P. Bass Distinguished Visiting Architecture Fellowship #07
Vincent Lo / Kohn Pederson Fox Associates
Rethinking Chongqing presents the work of a Edward P. Bass Studio at the Yale School of Architecture, co-taught by real estate developer Vincent Lo, founder and chairman of Shui-On Land, the Yale Bass Fellow, and Paul Katz, James von Klemperer, and Forth Bagley, managing principal, design principal, and senior associate, respectively, of the international architecture firm Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates.
The site of the studio project is the soon to be redeveloped site of the central rail terminal, a critical nexus of infrastructure located near the riverside that offers rich possibilities for re-thinking the relationship between transit, public space, and mixed-use program in the city. The studio investigated a diverse range of proposals for new scales, typologies, and program mixes play in shaping new paradigms for the development of western China’s emerging mega-cities.
Authors: Vincent Lo / Kohn Pederson Fox Associates
Editors: Nina Rappaport, Andrei Harwell, Emmett Zeifman
Size: 18,4 x 23,5 cm/ 7,2 x 9,2 in.
Pages: 192
Illustrations: Color
Cover: Softcover
Publication date: Mar 2015
Published by: Yale School of Architecture
Distributed by: ACTAR D
ISBN: English 9780989331746
Price: 27€ / $35 / 24,50£