Climatic Architecture
Philippe Rahm Architectes
Philippe Rahm
Architecture and urbanism were traditionally based on climate and health, as we can read in the treatises of Vitruvius, Palladio or Alberti, where exposure to wind and sun, variations in temperature and humidity influenced the forms of cities and buildings. These fundamental causes of urban planning and buildings were ignored in the second half of the 20th century thanks to the enormous use of fossil energy by heating and air conditioning systems, pumps and refrigerators, that today cause the greenhouse effect and global warming.
The fight against climate change forces architects and urban designers to take seriously the climatic issue in order to base their design on its local climatic context and energy resources. Faced with the climatic challenge of the 21st century, Climatic Architecture proposes to reset our discipline on its intrinsic atmospheric qualities, where air, light, heat or humidity are recognized are real materials of building, convection, thermal conduction, evaporation, emissivity, or effusivity are becoming design tools for composing architecture and cities, and through materialism dialectic, are able to revolutionize esthetic and social values.
Author: Philippe Rahm
Editors: Philippe Rahm architectes
Size: 20 x 30 cm. / 7,9 x 11,8 in.
Pages: 360
Illustrations: Color
Cover: Hardcover
Publication date: September 2023
Published by: Actar Publishers
ISBN: English 9781638400394
Price: 56€/ $64.95/ £56
Additional information
Weight | 1 kg |
Authors | Philippe Rahm |
excerpt | This book is at the same time a monograph on the architectural, urbanistic and landscape work of the office "Philippe Rahm architectes", a manifesto for a climatic architecture to face global warming. |
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