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AA Files 75


Tom Weaver (ed.)

AA Files 75 features essays by Freya Wigzell, Kristina Jaspers, Claire Zimmerman, Laila Seewang, Roberta Marcaccio, Rebecca Siefert, Shantel Blakely, Francesco Zuddas, Joanna Merwood-Salisbury, Victor Plahte Tschudi, Francisco González de Canales, Ross Anderson, Salomon Frausto, Theo Crosby, Marco Biraghi and Zoë Slutzky, together with a personal reminiscence by Nigel Coates and a conversation between Thomas Daniell and Shin Takamatsu.

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Editor: Tom Weaver
 AA Files (Book 75)
Size: 24 x 29 cm. / 9.5 x 12 in.
Pages: 208 pages
Publisher: AA Publications
ISBN: English 9781907896941
Distributed by: ACTAR D
Price: 18€/ $19/ £15

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Tom Weaver


AA Files 75 features essays, together with a personal reminiscence by Nigel Coates and a conversation between Thomas Daniell and Shin Takamatsu.

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