Institut pour la Ville en Mouvement / VEDECOMTunnels, footbridges, escalators, urban cable cars, pathways – passages are essential links, with the potential to generate distinctive urban environments.
Transitional Spaces for the 21st-Century City
Espaces de Transition pour la Ville du 21e Siècle
Institut pour la Ville en Mouvement / VEDECOM
Tunnels, footbridges, escalators, urban cable cars, pathways – passages are essential links, with the potential to generate distinctive urban environments. They require little investment and should be an integral part of all big urban projects, helping to repair the fractures produced by fast transit infrastructures and the urban zoning practices of the recent past. Designing and building passages is a way to act quickly and to lay the foundations for larger scale transformations: international analyses and examples.
The product of a joint program with an international network of cities, universities, and experts from different disciplines, as well as the catalog of a touring exhibition, the book analyzes more than 150 completed passage projects and describes methods for action. It is addressed to researchers, designers, politicians and technicians, transit firms and operators,