Authors/menene gras

Menene Gras is the Director of Culture and Exhibitions at Casa Asia (Barcelona and Madrid) since 2003. With a PhD from the University of Barcelona, Menene Gras is an art critic, curator and former professor. Before that, she was Director of Culture and Exhibitions at the Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana (now Casa America de Catalunya) and she is also the current Director of the Asian Film festival. Author of essays, catalogues, anthologies and four books of poetry, shewas the Art Correspondant for Art Forum for more than twelve years and wrrote for the most important Spanish newspapers.
Recent highlights of her professional career include exhibitions and publication, such as Is that Beauty? (2016-2017), The House and the Labyrinth (2015), El Jardín japonés: Topografías del vacío (2014), Chiharu Shiota. The hand lines (2014) and Beijing times(2011).
In 2015 she was awarded by ACCA for the Video Art Project Languages and Aesthetics of Spanish Video Art as the best Spanish exhibition made abroad. She currently lives and works in Barcelona.