Authors/jordan h carver

Jordan H. Carver is a writer, researcher, and educator who writes on space, politics, and culture. His first book, Spaces of Disappearance: The Architecture of Extraordinary Rendition is forthcoming from Urban Research (UR). He is a contributing editor to the Avery Review, a core member of Who Builds Your Architecture? and a Henry M. MacCracken Doctoral Fellow in American Studies at New York University

America Recovered
Chad Ress, Jordan H. Carver, Miriam Paeslack
America Recovered reveals the point where abstract political processes manifest themselves in the physical world, thus providing an alternate means of experiencing the contemporary American landscape. Collectively, the images and essays show what aspects of our everyday lives are being assigned value in the promise of a recovered America.
In 2009 President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act known as the stimulus bill. Along with the bill, the administration launched , a website to foster greater accountability and transparency in the use of covered funds.
America Recovered collects forty images that mark one of the only efforts to document the breadth of projects funded by the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Unlike the New Deal and other programs designed for employment and infrastructural development, the Recovery Act was passed without any funds dedicated for photographic documentation. Using an official government website as
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