Authors/georgina huljich

Architect and educator Georgina Huljich [Rosario, Argentina, 1974] holds a Professional Degree from the National University of Rosario, Argentina and a Master of Architecture from UCLA, where she graduated with Distinction and was the recipient of several design awards. She has previously worked at the Guggenheim Museum and the architectural firm Dean/Wolf Architects in New York, and at Morphosis Architects in Los Angeles. Huljich is an Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture at UCLA, where she has taught since 2006. She has been a visiting professor at Yale; University of Pennsylvania; Syracuse; University of California, Berkeley; University of Southern California; and Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT). Her current research focuses on strange peripheries in Europe and Asia and the way they affect notions of type, form, and aesthetics. Ms. Huljich has been a member of the Executive Board at CAP UCLA since 2015. She has served in national juries for The American Academy Rome Prize and the AIA Awards.
Georgina Huljich joined PATTERNS as a Partner in 2006.