Authors/ann tarantino

Ann Tarantino is an artist working across drawing, painting, installation, and site- specific works of public art. Her work has been exhibited widely in the US and overseas, and has appeared in settings ranging from museums and galleries to botanical gardens and city streets. Recent exhibitions and projects include Cloud Countries, a new installation created for the Pittsburgh International Airport (2018); Watermark, a major public commission for the community of Millvale, PA; and Razzle Dazzle, a 400-foot-long painting installation running beneath the Brooklyn Bridge, commissioned by the New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority.
She was featured in New American Paintings in 2005 and 2007, and was a 2016-17 recipient of a Fulbright Core Scholar Award for artistic practice in Brazil. While in Brazil, she developed a new body of works on paper and panel exploring the colors and textures of the Brazilian landscape during several months in São Paulo and Belo Horizonte.
Tarantino earned an honors degree in Visual Arts from Brown University in 1997 and a Master of Fine Arts with a concentration in Painting from The Pennsylvania State University in 2001. She is Assistant Professor of Art at Penn State, where she teaches courses in drawing, painting, and curatorial practices, and directs and curates university gallery spaces.