Authors/alberto t estevez

Alberto T. Estévez (Barcelona, 1960), Architect (UPC, 1983), Architecture Ph.D. of Sciences (UPC, 1990), Art Historian (UB, 1994), Art History Ph.D. of Arts (UB, 2008). With a professional office of architecture and design (Barcelona, 1983-today). Chairman-Professor in Architecture, teaching in different universities, in the knowledge’s areas of architectural design, architectural theory and art history (TU Wien, UB Barcelona, Uni-ak Wien, Elisava- UPF, UDEM Monterrey). Founding as first Director the ESARQ School of Architecture (UIC Barcelona, 1996), as an avant-garde international school in its first decade: it was then the first school in the world with an architecture curriculum including –among other things– mandatory subjects of sustainability and international cooperation, as well as laboratories for biological architecture (genetics: for first time in the history of architecture, geneticists working with architectural objectives, in a real application of genetics to architecture) and digital architecture (manufacturing). He also founded two research lines there, with two officially accredited research groups, two masters’ degrees and Ph.D. programs: “History, Architecture and Design” (UIC Barcelona, 1998- today) and “Genetic Architectures / Biodigital Architecture” (UIC Barcelona, 2000-today). As well as the Master of International Cooperation with Alex Levi and Amanda Schachter (UIC Barcelona, 2004-today). He was also the Founder and 1st Director of the UIC Barcelona PhD Program of Architecture. He has written more than two hundred publications, and has participated in a large number of exhibitions, congresses, committees and juries. Invited to give more than one hundred lectures around the world, presenting his ideas, research, projects and works of architecture and design: in the last 20 years on biodigital architecture & genetics. He was also Vice-Chancellor/General-Manager of UIC Barcelona (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya), where he is currently the Director of iBAG-UIC Barcelona (Institute for Biodigital Architecture & Genetics) after founding it.