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MCM–Milan Capital Of The Modern (ENG ED.)

MCM–Milan Capital of the Modern (ENG ED.)

Lorenzo Degli Esposti Modern architecture articulated itself in specific centers of propulsion, revision and critique during the 20th century. The case of Milan is exemplary: Terragni and Razionalismo, the reconstruction (Ponti, Rogers, Moretti, Viganò, etc.), the Tendenza of Rossi, product design, up to the current research. MCM traces this history from several contributors’ points of view. MCM - Milano Capital of the Modern, edited by Lorenzo Degli Esposti, is made up of texts and images from over 300 contributors from Europe and the US, across three generations, involved in the activities of the Padiglione Architettura in EXPO Belle Arti of Vittorio Sgarbi, a programme by the Regione Lombardia hosted in the Grattacielo Pirelli during the EXPO 2015. They investigate the relationships between modern architecture, the city of Milan (Razionalismo, reconstruction, Tendenza, Radical Design, up to current research) and the city in general, between single and specific works and the large scale of the urban territory, in the contradictions between architecture autonomy and its dependence on specific place and historical time. The idea of MCM is that each capital of the Modern brings an original version of modernity in architecture: in the specific Milanese case, this kind of Modern is characterized by the simultaneous presence of abstract, systematic and syntactic features and an ontological conception of both buildings and architectural and urban voids. Buy Italian edition EBOOK EDITION
Collective Housing: A Manual

Collective Housing: A Manual

Jose Maria de Lapuerta Juan Herreros (Abalos & Herreros), Dietmar Eberle (Baumschlager & Eberle), Wiel Arets, Frits van Dongen (Architecten Cie), Felix Claus (Claus en Kaan), Jacob van Rijs (MVRDV), and Jose Morales were among ten tutors that taught a series of intensive housing workshops that included a group of 34 international architects and students during the Collective Housing Master Course of 2006. The book is divided according to professor and features professional work from the master architects, as well as dozens of student projects. EBOOK VERSION
Domesticity At War (ENG ED.)

Domesticity at War (ENG ED.)

Beatriz Colomina In the immediate postwar years, a new type of modern architecture emerges. Beatriz Colomina presents domesticity as a potent new weapon in a changed architectural battlefield. This architecture becomes the property of the middle-class consumer bombarded with images of domestic bliss, a lifestyle campaign launched through recycled military techniques. The significance of architects like Charles and Ray Eames lies in their sensitivity to buildings and images both defining space. Colomina is Director of Princeton University’s Architecture PhD program and acclaimed author of Privacy and Publicity and Sexuality and Space. Buy Spanish Edition
Fundamental Particles

Fundamental Particles

EA774 at Cern Francesco Soppelsa, Octavi Mestre This book is centered on the design and construction of the most important building – in both architectural and representational terms – built at CERN in recent years. This book describes the construction of building 774 at CERN. The building is unique in terms of its architectural value and its location. Located next to the CCC (CERN Control Center), it is the gateway to CERN for the more than 100,000 visitors it receives each year. The building houses the offices and laboratories where the computer programs for the Control Center are created, the management headquarters for the French side, in addition to a public-access area equipped with a conference hall, a cafeteria, and a VIP restaurant, to support the frequent visits by heads of state and Nobel prize winning scientists who tour the CERN facilities. EBOOK VERSION
Space Fighter

Space Fighter

Winy Maas An exploration of the Evolutionary City by simulating the challenges of urban growth, decline, and vitality. EBOOK VERSION
Hyperlocalization Of Architecture

Hyperlocalization of Architecture

Contemporary Sustainable Archetypes Andrew Michler The evolution of contemporary environmental architecture has outstripped simple labels. A deeper pattern is emerging where the most innovative buildings are a response to place. They resolve the complex intertwining of the site, people and environment, providing a provocative observation of the future of architecture. By starting with the site these projects maximize the natural and cultural resources available and are humancentric. They challenge orthodoxy but draw deeply from the culture they serve.
Barcelona (by Jon Tugores)

Barcelona (by Jon Tugores)

Jon Tugores This book is an idea of architects and friends Carles Llop, and Vicente Guallart, that were seduced by the way Barcelona is read by Jon Tugore’s eyes. For the first time, the city is shown from the sea side, acknowledging the close relation of the city and the topography that encloses it. It somehow actualizes the drawings that imagined Barcelona done by the ancient navigators. The main reason for this book is to offer another point of view the way Barcelona is read. A tribute to scale, territory, nature and architecture. A complete vision of the evolution of a city that knows how dialogue with mountains and the Mediterranean constraints. A magnificent example of well-understood urbanism that dealt with the Roman Empire all the way to the re-shaping of a car infested city during the post-Olympic era. Without falling into imported clichés from other continents. A city always under a constant re-thinking attitude.
Xpositions ( ENG ED. )

Xpositions ( ENG ED. )

The Pavilion Dialogues Yichen Lu, Kenneth Namkung In May 2015, Studio Link-Arc completed the China Pavilion for Expo Milano 2015, its most prominent work to date. As China’s first free-standing Expo Pavilion beyond its own borders, the design and construction of the project raised a number of issues relevant to current architectural discourse: temporality and the legacy of Expos; nationality and representation; instant place-making and iconicity; and the relationship between parametric design and craft.The ideas seen in the China Pavilion are discussed and expanded by a respected group of professionals, with contributions by Stefano Boeri, Italian architect and one of the original master planners for Expo Milano 2015; Dr. Xiangning Li, Assistant Dean and Professor at Tongji University College of Architecture and Urban Planning and Visiting Professor in Architecture at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design; Daniel Libeskind, the internationally renowned architect and designer of the Vanke Pavilion for Expo Milano 2015; and Studio Link-Arc, the architects of the China Pavilion. Buy Chinese edition
Made Up

Made Up

Design’s Fictions Tim Durfee, Mimi Zeiger (eds.) At a time when “fake news” is part of our daily cultural lexicon, Made Up: Design’s Fictions explores lies, fantasies, and other un-real scenarios as tools of design.Through essays, interviews, and narratives by Bruce Sterling, Fiona Raby, Sam Jacob and other significant voices in the field, this volume questions the initial discourses around “design fiction”—a broad category of critical design that includes overlapping interests in science fiction, world building, speculation, and futuring. Made Up: Design’s Fictions advances contemporary analysis and enactment of narrative and speculation as an important part of practice today. Essays, interviews, and narratives by: Julian Bleecker, Benjamin H. Bratton, Anne Burdick, Emmet Byrne, Stuart Candy, Fiona Raby, Tim Durfee, Sam Jacob, Norman M. Klein, Peter Lunenfeld, Geoff Manaugh, Tom Marble, m-a-u-s-e-r, Metahaven, China Miéville, Keith Mitnick, MOS, Susanna Schouweiler, Bruce Sterling, Mimi Zeig EBOOK EDITION
NESS. On Architecture, Life, And Urban Culture 1

NESS. On Architecture, Life, and Urban Culture 1

Issue 1/ Between Cozy History & Homey Technics

Lots of Architecture Publishers introduces NESS: a magazine on Architecture, Life, and Urban Culture. For the Spring 2018 issue, NESS warms up with a selection of the nine installations that rocked 2017 and further browses through the work of Eleni Petaloti & Leonidas Trampoukis, whose sibling practices—LOT and objects of common interest—shift from one scale to another with subtle sophistication. Plus, Berlin-based architect Lena Wimmer presents her utmost experimental projects. Next, NESS headed to Detroit and dedicates a 38-page survey to draw a portrait of the city through their own curious and questioning lenses. The editors went to the Planning and Development Department and talked to authorities, designers, architects, community representatives, and developers shaping the former Motor-City. In the Dossier section, “Between Cozy History and Homey Technics”, architects, critics, and thinkers were asked to provocatively discuss the intellectual and pragmatic set of tools at hand: Stan Allen and Jesus Vassallo talk about photography and the built environment as a filter of abstraction; Enrique Ramirez and Mimi Zeiger reflect on the aesthetics—or lack thereof—in contemporary representation technics; Emanuel Christ and Camilo Restrepo imagine the type as a vehicle for ideas to travel through building cultures; and Sharon Johnston and Florencia Rodriguez exchange views on curating in architecture. Lastly, NESS crew flew to Chicago, Vienna, Seoul, and Valparaiso to review the latest events and reflect upon the biennial phenomenon. And, finally in Documents, NESS sat down with two acclaimed architecture offices: French Bruther and New York-based SO – IL to get to know each of their practice, processes, and projects in a comprehensive interview, detailed drawings and photographs. With contributions of Florencia Rodriguez, Pablo Gerson, Stan Allen, Emanuel Christ, Daniela Freiberg, Anna W. von Huber, Sharon Johnston, Isabella Moretti, Lisa Naudin, Enrique Ramirez, Camilo Restrepo, Javier Agustín Rojas, Mariam Samur, Lisa Ubelaker Andrade, Jesus Vassallo, Lena Wimmer, Mimi Zeiger. Part of the Ness Collection. Buying it, Superhumanity as a gift.
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