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One Million Acres & No Zoning

One Million Acres & No Zoning

Lars Lerup Routinely dismissed as 'mere sprawl', the suburban city is the black hole of recent urbanism, absorbing human energy and resources but seldom revealing the principles of its operation. For the past 20 years Lars Lerup has explored Houston as its prototype. In this book he broadly approaches this complex conurbation so as to develop a vocabulary to interpret its urban forms. Loved by its inhabitants, defined by huge potential and difficult problems, Lerup's Houston is a test-case for twenty-first-century urbanism and our understanding of unregulated cities everywhere.
O-14: Projection And Reception

O-14: Projection and Reception

Reiser Umemoto O-14: Projection and Reception explores the groundbreaking exo-skeleton office tower in Dubai by New York-based architects, Reiser Umemoto. This monograph will not only provide exhaustive documentation of O-14's design and construction but delves further into the complex interrelationships this architectural model weaves between technology, expression and politics in the context of the 'nowhere place' of the global city. The book is both an account of a design's realisation and a manifesto, and contains Jesse Reiser's explanatory and theoretical texts on the tower as well as a number of critical essays.
Manifest Destiny

Manifest Destiny

A Guide to the Essential Indifference of American Suburban Housing Jason Griffiths On 18 October 2002 Jason Griffiths and Alex Gino set out to explore the American suburbs. Over 178 days they drove 22,383 miles, made 134 suburban house calls and took 2,593 photographs. In Manifest Destiny, Griffiths reveals the results of this exploration. Structured through 58 short chapters, the anthology offers an architectural pattern book of suburban conditions all focused not on the unique or specific but the placeless. These chapters are complemented by an introduction by Griffiths and an afterword by Swiss architectural historian Martino Stierli.
AA Agendas 9:Making Pavilions

AA Agendas 9:Making Pavilions

Martin Self , Charles Walker (eds.) Over the past six years the students of the Architectural Association's Intermediate Unit 2 have designed and built a series of experimental pavilions. Structured to follow a year in the life of the unit, this book presents the processes of the pavilions' design and production, from concept ideas to workshop fabrication. Essays by the unit's tutors, Charles Walker and Martin Self, explain the ambitions and pedagogic basis of the programme, rooted in the idea of experiential learning. Through the voices of students, tutors and anonymous critics, both the educational validity of this innovative design-build programme and its architectural output is explored.
MacLean 705

MacLean 705

Joseph Grigely (ed.) MacLean 705 documents an exhibition in twelve parts, organised by artist Joseph Grigely between November 2011 and December 2012, within MacLean 705, a small office atrium at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Twelve collaborators took part in this incremental exhibition, with each successive contribution, consisting of one work, adding to existing work, thereby unfolding a set of intertextual relations with each new installation.
God & Co

God & Co

François Dallegret Beyond the Bubble François Dallegret, Lauren Stalder, Thomas Weaver God & Co is published to accompany the exhibition of the work of the French Montreal-based artist and architect François Dallegret (1937–) .Dallegret's own life and work denies anything so predictable as a neat synopsis, but in essence his work, beginning in Paris in the late 1950s and early 60s, and later taking in New York and Montreal, absorbs everything from intricate line drawings for a series of astrological vehicles and designs for a number of machines (from those that assist in cooking a meal to others that generate literature) to the 'A Home Is Not a House' collaboration with the critic Reyner Banham; a drugstore/gallery in Montreal; proposals for a new Montreal Palais Metro; designs for chairs, more cars and yet more machines; a film collaborative set up to shoot a western; contributions to the Montreal 67 Expo; engraved bars of soap; subversive credit cards; 'ironique' villas and light installations. The book will illustrate a great many of these works and contains essays on Dallegret's life and legacy by the historians Alessandra Ponte and Laurent Stalder.
Glass Ramps/Glass Wall

Glass Ramps/Glass Wall

Deviations from the Normative: Alfred Lerner Hall, Columbia University Bernard Tschumi Tschumi's Alfred Lerner Hall is a turbulent mixture of the conventional and the innovative. Its opaque, masonry-clad wings respond to the traditional materials and massing of the Columbia University campus, while its transparently clad middle develops as a spectacular multitiered system of glass ramps. Designed in collaboration with a team of engineers, including Hugh Dutton, the glass ramps and the glass wall are intersupporting. Together they form a central hub of circulation, an event space that registers the dilation and contraction of structural and social flows. In the words of Jesse Reiser, Alfred Lerner Hall 'signals a crucial turning point in Tschumi's oeuvre. While a legacy of built and unbuilt works beginning with the Manhattan Transcripts prioritized the programmatic as an irreducible condition to architecture, Lerner Hall inverts this logic, foregrounding physicality instead.' Glass Ramps/Glass Wall documents in full the making of this complex building, from early concept sketches to structural diagrams and final construction photos.
Exhibition Prosthetics

Exhibition Prosthetics

Conversation with Hans Ulrich Obrist and Zak Kyes Joseph Grigely Exhibition Prosthetics by Joseph Grigely explores the artist's use of language and images as a means of representation that further the reach of the real. Grigely uses the term 'exhibition prosthetics' to describe an array of these conventions, particularly (but not exclusively) in relation to exhibition practices. Exhibition Prosthetics is the first in the Bedford Press Editions series of artist's books edited by Zak Kyes. The series will engage with publications as a primary medium of practice, enabling artists to explore the inherent constraints and possibilities of the printed document.


A Design Research Compendium Tom Verebes DRL TEN evaluates the first decade of the AA's acclaimed post-professional masters programme in architecture and urbanism, the Design Research Lab. Since 1997 the programme has championed a project-based and research-driven approach to design, continually reinventing itself across successive design research agendas. The book reflects upon the DRL;s collaborative teaching and learning methods, which have contributed to the wholesale re-formulation of contemporary architectural practice during a decade in which digital communication, information, design and production technologies have gone from being nascent and emerging to being embedded in new forms of networked architectural education and practice. Understanding this (r)evolution is fundamental to the DRL's pursuit of innovation and the role design research plays in contemporary design culture. The structure of this book elaborates on how the programme has evolved the terms of design as a form of research over the last decade, with chapters focusing on the DRL's research agendas, topics, curricula, documents, media, methods and tools as well as a selection of work by its 350 graduates.
Double Or Nothing: 51N4E

Double or Nothing: 51N4E

Author: 51N4E 51N4E is a Brussels-based architectural practice led by Johan Anrys, Freek Persyn and Peter Swinnen. Founded in 1998, it has drawn increasing attention and renown through projects for the C-mine cultural centre in Genk, the Groeningemuseum and the TID Tower and Skanderbeg Square both in Tirana, Albania. This book, accompanying an exhibition on the practice at the Architectural Association, features these and 17 other projects alongside essays by Lars Lerup, Dominique Boudet and Stefan Devoldere.
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