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AA Files 80


Maria Shéhérazade Giudici

AA Files is the Architectural Association (AA) School of Architecture’s journal of record, currently edited by Maria Shéhérazade Giudici. This issue features eleven contributions that put forward different approaches to architectural research, examining issues from land speculation and class construction to future forms of domesticities and reflections on uprootedness. Throughout, AA Files 80 seeks to unearth past moments of architectural agency to demonstrate that even in times of social and environmental crisis, new spatial imaginaries are possible.


Editor: Maria Shéhérazade Giudici
Deputy Editor: Rory James Sherlock
Design: Andrew Reid
Size: 11 x 14 cm / 4.33 × 5.51 in. 
Pages: 47
Illustrations: Color
Cover: Softcover
Published by: AA Publications
Publication date: 2024
Distributed by: Actar D
ISBN: English 9781738416028
Price: 29.95$/ 25€/ £20

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